
Diversity Charter working groups present their work on altered health in the workplace and intergenerational management

Published on 27 June 2024

Altered health

Did you know that 69% of Charter signatories include the health situation in their diversity management policy?

Designed by the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter's Autonomous Working Group on Impaired Health, this publication aims to raise awareness and provide guidance on impaired health in the workplace. 

The aim of this guide is therefore to explicitly address the issue of chronic illness in organisations and why it is urgent to act now, to propose practices that can help raise awareness and make the organisation more responsible, and to provide keys to understanding and ways to improve inclusion and diversity policies by including chronic illness in their entirety.

Many thanks to PwC Luxembourg for leading the Working Group and to the signatories who participated: Beng Architectes Associés, the European Court of Auditors and the Ministère de la Famille, des Solidarités, du Vivre ensemble et de l'Accueil.

This publication is only available to signatories of the Diversity Charter on request by email: info@chartediversite.lu


Intergenerational Management

Designed by the "Intergenerational Management" Autonomous Working Group of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg, this publication aims to raise awareness and provide guidance to organisations on intergenerational management.

It enables you to think beyond age, answering questions such as why take an interest in this subject? How can you challenge stereotypes and prejudices? And above all, how can you take action within your organisation, and where should you start?
This publication is complemented by an Excel-based quantitative analysis tool that automatically creates tables and graphs useful for intergenerational analysis. 

Many thanks to Sodexo Luxembourg for taking the lead on the Working Group and to the signatories that took part: Cargolux Airlines International, DELOITTE, INNPACT, Innov'ICTion, LHH and the Ministère de la Famille, des Solidarités, du Vivre ensemble et de l'Accueil. 

This publication is only available to signatories of the Diversity Charter on request by email: info@chartediversite.lu

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