
adVeci Advisors' motivations to participate in IMS Luxembourg’s activities:

adVeci places sustainable development at the heart of its concerns and services. Sustainable prosperity" is a constant dimension of our clients' various forms of assistance. As such, we want to contribute to the debate in the marketplace and make the most of exchanges with our peers on the subject, which IMS makes possible.


adVeci Advisors' Sustainable Development Policy: 

adVeci pays particular attention to its teams' well-being and professional and personal development. As part of our activities, we have a policy favouring collaborations based on reciprocity and long-term partnership. We also work with employers to put in place solutions that create the best conditions for a successful return to work after a long absence for health reasons.


adVeci Advisors' Sustainable Development actions and frameworks: 

Our company operates based on trust, allowing employees to organise their work according to their constraints. We apply rigorous discipline to overtime. We pay particular attention to aligning our customers and stakeholders with our values. adVeci has formally committed to its team actively combating all forms of harassment. adVeci allocates an extra five days' holiday to its employees who invest in a social cause. We support three associations