AI For Positive Impact
The AI revolution is underway. Sure, but to what benefit? That's the whole question.
The Luxembourg Sustainability Forum took place on 22 October 2024 and examined this massive technological disruption from the point of view of sustainable development. What are the benefits? How will it impact our society and environment? How can we direct AI innovation towards tackling the major challenges of our time for the benefits of all?
All sessions can be (re)viewed on the IMS Luxembourg YouTube channel:
Relive this edition:

The latest developments in artificial intelligence are a source of fascination and the wildest hopes, but they are also the subject of the greatest fears. The impact is manifold: democratic, social, environmental, geopolitical... Under what conditions can this innovation deliver on its promises and meet the major challenges of our time?
A straightforward conversation with the most knowledgeable specialists on the many issues raised by AI. An invitation to techno lucidity.
Opening keynote
"AI: Myths to deconstruct, realities to grasp"
Aurélie Jean, Doctor of Science, entrepreneur and author, specialist in algorithmic modelling
"Investigation into opaque and influential algorithms"
Marc Faddoul, Artificial Intelligence Researcher, Director - AI Forensics
Round table
Benjamin Baelus, Director Government Affairs Belgium and Luxembourg - Microsoft
Maxime Derian, Digital anthropologist
Marc Faddoul, Director - AI Forensics
Lou Welgryn, Co-President - Data for Good

Public health, biodiversity preservation, climate change mitigation... AI offers groundbreaking solutions across these critical domains, paving the way for a sustainable and equitable future.
Discover these remarkable advancements and discover how AI can drive positive change in our world.
- Malik Afegbua, Digital Artist
- Maxime Allard, Founder - Helical
- Théo Alves da Costa, Co-President - Data For Good
- Cornel Amariei, Inventor and Founder - .lumen
- Fouzi Benkhelifa, CEO - Nexqt
- Hovig Etyemezian, Head of the Innovation Service - UNHCR
- Luis Figueroa, Biodiversity Lead & Remote Sensing Analyst - Space4Good
- Baptiste Fosséprez, CEO - PEPITe
- Sviatlana Höhn, Postdoctoral Researcher - LuxAI
- Jérémy Lefèvre, Head of IT, Ibisa

According to a June 2024 BCG survey, 43% of respondents regularly use generative AI at work, and half believe their jobs could be at risk within the next decade. These statistics highlight the radical transformation occurring in the workplace, prompting important questions: What changes should we expect? What skills will be essential? What opportunities can we capitalize on, and what challenges must we navigate?
Explore the future of work, shaped by artificial intelligence and, most importantly, human intelligence.
"Will AI replace us? Will we have to comply?"
Samuel Nowakowski, Senior Lecturer in Digital Humanities, University of Lorraine
Marine Hadengue, Executive Director of the Higher Education for Good Foundation, CEO - Harbour Foundation
David Marguerit, Economist, Expert on the effects of AI on the labour market - LISER
Samuel Nowakowski, Senior Lecturer in Digital Humanities - University of Lorraine
Christian Scharff, Founder and Chairman - IMS Luxembourg
& relive the day backstage
(credits : IMS Luxembourg)
Acting for Real Changes
Eating, dressing, travelling, working... These actions all hold tremendous potential for moving us towards a desirable future. Citizens and businesses alike are on the front line of change to address the challenge of "sustainable consumption and production".
Coup de théâtre! Radical and promising changes are underway in various areas of our lives. Discover them in several acts. This new edition will not cease to surprise with its varied settings, speakers and scenes. Silence, curtain up!
Relive this edition:

Discover the Minuit 12 Collective's show, which will reshape your connection with this precious resource.
And listen to hydrologist Charlène Descollonges as she sheds light on the pressing matters concerning one of our most vital natural resources… and, above all, how to take action.
Let's rethink our relationship with water and collectively rewrite its history.

What lies behind our travels? Mass tourism has a huge impact on our planet.
Should we give up our desire to explore new places? Or is there another way to discover new horizons?
- Peigi Rodan, Sustainability Manager, Withlocals
Elke Dens, Director of Global Programmes, The Travel Foundation -
Felipe Koch, Assistant Professor, Université Paris-Est Créteil

The textile industry, driven by fast fashion, is leaving an unprecedented footprint: overproduction and overconsumption are the two names of an unprecedented ecological and social disaster. Choosing your next pair of trainers or T-shirt is far from trivial.
Let's talk about the issues and, above all, the solutions, with an extraordinary panel of people determined to change the game. Also an opportunity to see a little fashion show like no other.
A session hosted by Kiki Boreel, a responsible fashion expert, committed model and Dutch climate ambassador for the future.
- Esra Tat, Executive Director, Zero Waste Europe
- Joy Hellers, Project Manager Rethink your Clothes, Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg
- Elisabeth Adams, Awareness Campaign Manager “Rethink your Clothes”, Caritas Luxembourg
- Bert van Son, Founder and Spokesman, MUD Jeans

They are the reflection of a global food system that has reached its limits: degraded ecosystems, farmers under strain, nutritional collapse, loss of crop diversity... In a world dominated by hyperstandardisation and massive-scale production and consumption, what solutions can we envision for the future?
Let's talk about locavorism, zero waste, regenerative agriculture... and many other avenues for a healthy food future.
A session hosted by Nancy Thomas, Director, IMS Luxembourg.
- René Mathieu, a Michelin-starred chef with a strong commitment to the cause
- Jean Muller, CEO, Les Moulins de Kleinbettingen
- Julia Gregor, Co-Founder, On.perfekt
- Chuck de Liedekerke, CEO, Soil Capital
- Thomas Uthayakumar, Programmes and Advocacy Director, La Fondation pour la Nature et l'Homme

These are all manifestations of a growing dissatisfaction that worries employers. It's a fundamental trend; employees' ambitions are changing, and many don't hesitate to leave if their company doesn't meet their expectations.
For many, having a job that is in line with their ecological and social convictions is becoming the sine-qua-non condition for working for a company. We spend most of our waking hours at work: what impact does it have? What about you? What's behind your work?
A session hosted by Sophie Öberg, Deputy Director, IMS Luxembourg.
- Pierre-Éric Sutter, Occupational Psychologist, Social Sciences Researcher
- Saskia Rotshuizen, Senior Manager, B Lab Benelux
- Gwladys Costant, Co-chair, FR2S - Partner, GoToFreedom
- Gabrielle Pastel, Postcast Producer, Youth Forever
& relive the day behind the scenes
The unavoidable nature of the ecological challenge has finally become fully apparent to us, and with particular violence. This question, which has long been ignored or understated, could only be raised by a succession of observations, evidence, and warnings. This awareness has turned into a damning and massive questioning. It has given birth to anxiety. We have lost a certain lightheartedness, a certain innocence. Many people's minds are consumed day and night by environmental disaster.
Anxiety is becoming more and more prevalent among young and old alike, overwhelmed by the magnitude and speed of the changes in our world. The absence of prospects and future becomes the main threat: paralysis and, therefore, inaction.
How to overcome this state of shock? How to transform these energies too often locked inside? This is the challenge we need to respond and the one for which the speakers have provided some answers.
Relive this edition:

An artistic and immersive experience by Frédéric Lilien, accompanied on piano by Grégoire Baumberger.

Glenn Albrecht has coined a number of neologisms, including the now-famous "Solastalgia", which refers to the growing sense of psychological distress over the destruction of our environment. Today, the Australian philosopher proposes an alternative to the prevailing catastrophism and the end of the world rhetoric. He calls for a revolution of emotions, thanks in particular to a work on language, to enter what he calls "the Symbiocene".
His keynote speech will be followed by a round table discussion moderated by Tomás Sercovichwith
- Joanna Krupp, Student - University of Luxembourg
- Louise König, CEO - The New Division
- Caroline Hickman, Lecturer and researcher - Bath University

The battle of opinions is still raging, especially on the web, leading to a polarisation of society. Conspiracy theories are toxic and are amplified by fear and uncertainty. This is what Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, a leading expert on social networks and on the post-truth world, explain to us.

For a keynote speech, we are thrilled to welcome one of the most important people in sustainability: John Elkington. He is best known for coining the notion of the triple bottom line with the 3 Ps - People, Planet, and Prosperity. In 2009 John was named 4th in an international survey of Top 100 CSR leaders, after Al Gore, Barack Obama and Anita Roddick. Last year, he won the World Sustainability Award. He has helped create and incubate movements including the B Team, the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, and the Global Reporting Initiative.
His idea: mitigating impact, something many companies are currently doing, is not enough. We also need to create positive impact i.e Regenerative Capitalism.

After the keynote speech by John Elkington, we will explore concrete solutions with a panel discussion on how business is transforming society. With the presence of :
Maud Larochette, CFO & CHRO - N-SIDE
Oliver Perquy, Director Belux - Nespresso
Paola D'Angelo, Director - Innpact

Welcoming Christian Clot is almost a miracle. His obsession? To evolve in extreme environments, to confront so-called « limit » situations to better understand individual's adaptation mechanisms to hostile environments.
For twenty years, he has braved the elements to better understand human nature and its ability to cope with major crises and changes. He has mounted and led terrestrial and marine expeditions. Since 2015, he is the director of the Human Adaptation Institute, which aims to explore the cognitive and physiological mechanisms of human adaptation in real-life situations. He is the author of several books and films and vice-president of the Society of French Explorers (SEF).
& relive the day behind the scenes
Responsability to move beyond the status-quo
The tenth edition of the Luxembourg Sustainability Forum 2021 took place on 13th October at the Tramsshapp for a few lucky people and online for all. This year, Luxembourg's key CSR and sustainable development event had an environmental focus with highlights on biodiversity, climate change, and carbon neutrality.
Relive this edition:

A poignant "zoom" conversation between the planet and Natasha Tsakos, 2030 Ambassador for the United Nations, interactive designer and committed artist.

Resulting from an unparalleled harmony and complex links, the spheres of biodiversity and climate define nature in an indivisible way. Although they have multiple influences on each other, the two subjects are often dealt with in silos: international meetings, reports and legislative frameworks are mostly set apart.
On the occasion of the Luxembourg Sustainability Forum, world leading experts from IPBES, IPCC and WWF highlight the need to undertake a coordinated approach to these major and interrelated challenges of the Anthropocene. Gathered around a round table, they will help us understand the links, synergies and negative effects between climate change and ecosystem degradation, as well as the opportunities and safety nets that need to be put in place to ensure virtuous impacts between these two issues. From science to business, as well as political decision-makers and citizens, an overview of the role of society's actors in responding to these key challenges.
Marco Lambertini, Director General - WWF International
Dr Anne Larigauderie, Executive Secretary - The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
Dr Hans Otto-Pörtner, Co-Chair Working Group II - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Nature-based solutions, regenerative methods, science-based targets... We welcome Irene Garcia to tell us about an innovative urban project that makes it possible to welcome biodiversity in the city. James Smith to understand the concepts behind these solutions and how they challenge the vision of business as usual for a nature-positive future. And Maxime Riché to share with us the initiatives he has discovered around the world to marvel at the potential and the will of human beings to act, he will also present the Climate Heroes exhibition.

Interview with Marie-Monique Robin. This name is probably familiar to you as it is that of an investigative journalist, director, and author is known for not backing down from any obstacle. Her method has earned her the prestigious Albert Londres prize. Her long filmography includes "The world according to Monsanto", but today the subject that occupies her is the links between biodiversity and human health. With her book "La Fabrique des pandémies", published this year by La Découverte, she makes a clear statement. If nothing happens to halt the destruction of ecosystems, we will experience even greater pandemics.
The documentary will be previewed in the Grand Duchy next spring, exclusively by IMS Luxembourg.

On the occasion of the Luxembourg Sustainability Forum 2021, scientists, associations, and Luxembourg companies will testify about existing good practices in the country. They all encourage reflection and action, both collectively and individually.

Since 2016, this unique sailing laboratory has been exploring low-tech innovations. Defined as useful, accessible, and sustainable, these solutions can be found in all four corners of the planet. They provide clean and responsible answers to economic, social, and environmental challenges around the globe. Nomade des Mers' mission is to discover them and share them as widely as possible to deploy their full potential. Just a few days after completing their journey, Caroline tells us about this extraordinary adventure and project. During an exclusive exchange, she introduces us to the fascinating world of low-tech and inspires us to explore it in our turn.

Each year, new extremes are crossed and climatic events that were previously exceptional are becoming the norm, even in our regions.Now, more than ever, it is time for action. You will hear from speakers from several sectors of society that there are many solutions to contain the increase in global temperatures to max 1.5°C.

Alexis Rosenfeld's world is the ocean. His passion for diving allowed him to embark alongside Captain Cousteau during his last expedition to Madagascar and witness the discovery of ancient remains off the Mediterranean coast or to experience the moment when the wreck of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's plane was found. He is a photographer of the sea and his fight today is an environmental one by showing the fragility of these ecosystems.
& relive the day behind the scenes
Generate Positive Impact
6 hours of live, 10 cameras, 2 studios, remote speakers... For the first time, on 15 September 2020, the unmissable CSR event was entirely broadcasted . To share knowledge and best practices on various subjects such as the social and solidarity economy, infobesity, management of new generations.
Relive this exclusive edition:

Emmanuel Soulias, CEO of Pur Projet opened the event. PUR Projet helps companies to restore the ecosystems on which they depend (through agroforestry among others) while enabling local communities to improve their living condiction through long-term projects.
La table ronde "Le rôle de l'économie sociale et solidaire face aux grands défis sociétaux" avec Emmanuel Soulias (Pur Projet), Marie-Geneviève Loys Carreiras (BNP Paribas Asset Management), Benjamin Cavalli (Programme Malin), Benoît Bonello (Suez France) et Nancy Thomas (IMS Luxembourg)
At the crossroads of public policies, common goods and, societal issues, social entrepreneurship demonstrates through numerous examples in Europe and around the world its capacity to take up the challenge of sustainable development.
Discover how your company can be active and come and rethink your business model!

What cognitive footprint induce our ever more instantaneous ways of working? The round table “Knowledge Management: people are the information heart” discusses digital well-being, positive collaboration, and efficient flow of professional information. With Caroline Sauvajol-Rialland (So Comment), Gaëtan de Lavilléon (Cog'X), Olivier Charbonnier (Dsides) and Mathilde Leré (IMS Luxembourg)

Where to start to reduce professional hyperconnection? Thanks to our guests' experiences, discover individual and collective good practices. Inspiration to take a first digital savvy step is just one click away.

What are the trends? How are these new generations behaving? How to attract them and what to do to welcome / accompany them in the company? By which value offer? How to adapt positions and with which tools? With Karine Blanc (Décathlon Luxembourg), François Bade (Deloitte), Matthieu Wendling (Groupe Inov-On) and Christian Scharff (IMS Luxembourg)

The multiple Paralympic champion and SSE business leader delivered a poignant speech on the need to change our economic and social systems.
& relive the day behind the scenes
Dream of the possibilities
On 25 April 2019, the 8th edition of the Luxembourg Sustainability Forum organised by IMS Luxembourg (Inspiring More Sustainability) took place. This edition welcomed more than 300 participants and 35 speakers to the Cercle Cité, with a rich and innovative program!