

In each episode, we'll explore the many possibilities and take a look at the society of tomorrow. Enjoy!



Listen to the podcast Ancrage, produced by Renée Prod with students from the Lycée français du Luxembourg and the Lycée International Anne Beffort as part of the educational aspect of the project.  
Meet renowned experts, business leaders, NGOs, and our guest of honour, HRH, the Grand Duke of Luxembourg and, listen to fascinating interviews with inquisitive students and an experienced journalist. 


Nouvelles Voies d'Entreprendre with B Lab Benelux

In a format of three episodes of around 20 minutes each, listen to the testimonies of Ramborn, A beautiful Green, CDCL, Bamolux, GO TO Freedom and Innpact at the microphone of IMS Luxembourg to learn how to move your company forward day after day towards a greater sustainable future! 

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