IMS Luxembourg
IMS Luxembourg presentation brochure
Discover IMS, its vision, mission and values, as well as its activities, highlights and team!
48 pages, 12,7 Mo
Being an IMS member
Communication kit for IMS Members
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20 pages, 6,2 Mo
Diversity & Inclusion
Barometer Diversity & Business Lëtzebuerg, 2024 edition
The state of play of the approaches implemented in the area of diversity by the signatories of the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter.
This document presents the results of 2024 compared to the results obtained in 2021 in order to highlight the evolution of the practices of the organisations.
66 pages, 6MB
Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg, in practice
Presentation of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg, how to subscribe to the Charter, what is the commitment of the signatories and what are the key dates.
30 pages, 5MB
Practical Guide "Diversity Management" in times of crisis
The Practical Guide to Diversity Management in times of crises aims to support private and public sector organisations in managing diversity and inclusion in times of crisis, whatever its nature. It is composed of two parts: immediate crisis management and the return to "normal", covering the issues and possible risks that organizations may face, as well as recommendations and good practices to deal with them.
68 pages, 1.2MB
Barometer Diversity & Business Lëtzebuerg", 2021 edition
The state of play of the approaches implemented in the area of diversity by the signatories of the Lëtzebuerg Diversity Charter.
This document presents the results of 2018 compared to the results obtained in 2018 and / or 2016 in order to highlight the evolution of the practices of the organisations.
70 pages, 2.1MB
Practical Guide Diversity Management
Working group of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg
This 118 pages has been drawn up by the working group of the Charter, that is composed of luxemburgish companies employees. The guide has been written during 8 months with the collaboration of various experts. It is a tool to support companies in their diversity management policies. .
Order the book, click here
Diversity Awards Lëtzebuerg 2023 brochure
Discover the members of the pre-jury as well as the jury and the best practices that were nominated in 2021 in the 4 categories presented.
Interculturality for Impact
Ideas, resources, methods & activities for intercultural learning
Intended for professionals working in the fields of interculturality, inclusion and non-discrimination, this toolkit offers theoretical content as well as educational and practical activities promoting inclusion and active citizenship, while enhancing the value of cultural diversity in Luxembourg society.
74 pages, 834 ko
A multilingual social café, inspired by the life of third places
Discussions in the "Interculturality for Impact" working group
This thematic report summarizes the reflections of a working group of the "Interculturality for Impact" project, which was set up to explore the subject of third places, and in particular a multilingual social café, often a catalyst for intercultural dialogue and both participative and contributive democracy.
8 pages, 540 ko
Overview of intercultural training and initiatives in Luxembourg
January - May 2022
A study carried out in collaboration with the Department of Integration of the Ministry of Integration, Family and the Greater Region identifies existing initiatives and training in the associative, professional and state milieus on the theme of interculturality in Luxembourg.
112 pages, 802Kb
Neurodiversity: Understanding and dealing with neurodivergences in the workplace
This guide provides an introduction to neurodiversity: definitions, issues and good practice.
Based on scientific articles, interviews and personal accounts, a portrait is drawn up to answer the questions that may arise when the word "neurodiversity" is used in the world of work.
Soon available in English.
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67 pages, 5,7 Mo
Summary - Neurodiversity in the workplace
Understanding and dealing with neurodivergences in the workplace
Summary in French of the guide Neurodiversity in the workplace: Understanding and dealing with neurodivergences in the workplace
2 pages, 2 Mo
A tool that allows you to measure the place given to disability in your organisation, to increase the maturity of your processes in terms of inclusion of people with disabilities. With tips, resources and concrete actions to implement.
Handi-Welcoming check-list
Evaluate your practices
This checklist will allow your company to situate itself in the process of disability inclusion in the company, but also to find inspiration to introduce good practices and continue to move towards a better inclusion of people with disabilities (PWD).
15 pages, 664KB
Bridges between companies and AIP in Luxembourg
(Handi)Cap' Emploi
This document presents Luxembourg's vocational integration workshops, thus offering a clearer vision of this "other" labour market to employers in the ordinary working world and to anyone who wants to become aware of this reality.
60 pages, 3.5MB
E-book (Handi)Cap' Emploi: putting it into practice in the company
After 7 workshops during whick the working group reflected on the concept of disability and the challenges facing employers, 7 themes were chosen in order to deepen the exchanges. The results of these discussions are shared with you in the e-book.
73 pages

(Handi)Cap'Emploi : communication kit
5 infographics to raise awarness about disabilities in companies.
5 pages, 3MB
(Handi)Cap Emploi: Practical guide of disability in Luxembourg companies
This guide provides insights into the hiring of people with disabilities in Luxembourg.
100 pages, 3.5MB

Inclusion of transgender people in the workplace
Get informed, support and know the Luxembourg legal framework
This publication completes the guide "Inclusion of LGBTI persons in the workplace" and raises awareness on the issue of transidentity by addressing key notions and stereotypes to be deconstructed, best practices to be implemented in companies as well as the Luxembourg legal framework.
86 pages, 1.5MB
LGBTI inclusion in the workplace
Good practices, testimonials and useful resources
This guide is a collection of ideas that have already been implemented in companies or institutions, mainly in Europe, which has proven to be effective in the fight against lgbt-phobic acts. All of the practices are intended to be inspiring. Each person is free to share, reproduce or adapt them to his or her own reality.
92 pages, 16.3MB
E-learning on LGBTI inclusion in the workplace
This e-learning aims to raise awareness and educate companies and employees on the subject and to transmit good practices to be implemented at both individual and organisational levels.
Access the e-learning (only in French)
Thematic report: LGBTI inclusion
This report summarizes the reflections and work from the co-creation workshops and highlight the inclusion of LGBTI people in companies.
2 pages, 467MB
Practical guide "Migration to employment"
The objective of this guide is to orientate employers while providing them with terminology and good practices favouring the hiring of third-country nationals in Luxembourg.
60 pages, 4.4MB
Anti Racism
Publication by the autonomous working group on the subject of racism in the workplace.
For Charter signatories only. Ask for the password at
Heures silencieuses, je m'engage !
Silent hours are time slots set up in shops and shopping centres, during which sensory stimuli (visual, auditory, etc.) are reduced so that hypersensitive people can do their shopping in favourable conditions.
Community Engagement

Be IMS Associate Member
In this brochure you will find all the useful information for associate members: Part&Act, types of partnerships, activities offered, ways to communicate your membership.
20 pages, 22MB
Partnership Associations - Companies
Legal Guide (Luxembourg)
Available for IMS members and asbl:
Partnership Associations - Companies
Internal and external communication guide
Available for IMS members and asbl:
Creation of socially innovative partnerships
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Health & Wellbeing

FLOW, the guide: balancing your digital practices at work

Information overload in the workplace
A Practical Guide
This guide provides suggestions for finding the most suitable solutions for your company and implementing practical applications for managing information effectively.
Available in French, English and German.
80 pages, 2.3MB
Exploring solutions to information overload
These modules offer pedagogical and pragmatic training to take a step back and reduce sources of information overload. With 10 modules of 15 to 20 minutes, learners can assess their level, disseminate skills and good practices.
Barometer of the ESF project - Info Flow Savvy
In collaboration with the LISER, IMS Luxembourg looked into workers' digital habits and questioned about predominantly intellectual jobs… Is the daily volume of professional information already too important? Are emails our professional best friends in all circumstances? Is there a way to both selfprotect from hyper connection and perform at work?
50 pages, 1MB
Digital Well-Being for Youth, the toolkit
5 modules to help reduce psycho-social risks for new employees in your company. It will help them understand the right behaviours to adopt when using digital tools in the workplace.
Mental overload / Hyper-reactivity / Multi-tasking / Home Working / Disconnection
Business & Human Rights
Human Rights and Enterprises: A practical toolkit on due diligence
The last decades have shown a growing interest in corporate responsibility as regards human rights. International organisations such as the United Nations (UN), states, but also citizens and enterprises have pushed for new legal frameworks to enforce the enterprises’ responsibility to respect human rights and carry out due diligence. To respond to this burgeoning movement, IMS is committed to supporting companies in their effort to reduce their adverse human rights impacts.
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88 pages, 4.3MB
Responsible production & consumption
Les achats durables en entreprises
IMS Luxembourg
Sensitize purchasers to a new approach, that of sustainable purchases, which take into account the origin of the products and their impacts and reality of the prices. In this guide, the concrete solutions of companies that have addressed the problem of purchases in food.
Publication reserved for our members, ask for the password at:
Les achats durables en communication
IMS Luxembourg
This practical guide aims to create a better understanding of procurement issues, how to choose the right communications tools and how to capitalise on good practices.
Publication reserved for our members, ask for the password at:
Social & solidarity economy

Overview of IT Skills-Based Volunteering in Luxembourg
Discover a detailed overview of current practices in Luxembourg, explore the tangible benefits of IT skills-based volunteering: social innovation, business engagement, and skills development.
Be inspired by strategic recommendations to help boost this practice within your organisation.
33 pages, 1,9 Mo
Thematic report : over-indebtedness in Luxembourg
This report summarizes the reflections and work from the four co-creation workshops and provides an overview of the issue of over-indebtedness in Luxembourg: key figures and information, progress of workshops and concrete solutions.
12 pages, 5.3MB
The role of SSE in the face of major societal challenges
The study was carried out in 2018
Publication reserved for our members, ask for the password at
Communication & reporting
Which Certification/Label for Your Business? Typology of the ESR Label and B Corp Certification
This document presents the ESR (Entreprise Responsable) label and B Corp certification, highlighting their similarities, differences, and advantages for businesses by considering them complementary rather than mutually exclusive.
In collaboration with B Lab Benelux and INDR.
12 pages, 12,4 Mo
Overview of reference frameworks, standards, certifications and non-financial reporting tools
This guide aims to support our members in thinking, strategising, implementing and reporting on their and reporting on their responsibility and sustainability efforts.
9 pages, 291KB
Publication reserved for our members, ask for the password at
Leadership & Governance
2024 Panorama of sustainable development in Luxembourg
Two years after its first publication, this new survey aims to assess the progress made by Luxembourg companies in adopting sustainable development. By the House of Sustainability of the Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Chambre des Métiers, IMS Luxembourg and INDR.
Podcast "Nouvelles Voies d'Entreprendre"
In a format of three episodes of around 20 minutes each, listen to the testimonies of Ramborn, A beautiful Green, CDCL, Bamolux, GO TO Freedom and Innpact at the microphone of IMS Luxembourg to learn how to move your company forward day after day towards a greater sustainable future!
Référentiel Métier - Sustainability Manager
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Panorama of sustainable development in Luxembourg
The Chamber of Commerce, IMS (Inspiring More Sustainability) and the INDR (National Institute for Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility) present the first panorama of sustainable development in Luxembourg. This survey establishes the state of play of the implementation of sustainable measures within companies.
35 pages, 2MB
Full study of the «Third Industrial Revolution»
The full report is a deeply structured, interdisciplinary and systemic approach to bring Luxembourg to a Third Industrial Revolution smart economy and society by 2050.
475 pages, 18.4MB
Condensed study of the «Third Industrial Revolution»
Overview of some of the themes and proposals of the Third Industrial Revolution strategic study for the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
145 pages, 5.4MB
Le pouls des entreprises : engagement et contribution au développement durable
IMS, with LISER, TNS Ilres and the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social and Solidarity Economy, conducted the survey among its members to assess their level of commitment in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and more specifically their potential contribution to the Luxembourg Agenda 2030.
72 pages, 2.3MB
Entreprises et territoires - Mise en oeuvre de la RSE
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Ecomobility guide
Tools and good practices for companies
This guide is the result of group work with IMS member companies involved in the subject of mobility. It is therefore intended to be a practical manual as well as a tool for reflection to draw on innovative ideas and good practices.
Reissued in 2022.
Protected file, do not hesitate to ask us for access
96 pages, 6,3Mb
Ecomobility in Luxembourg - leaflet
Summary of the Ecomobility Guide in one brochure.
2 pages, 1.5MB
Waste Management
"Mir sinn Antigaspi, an Dir ?"
The aim of the project is to raise awareness of the need to reduce food waste and to promote local and organic food. The kit contains presentations and challenges for children and parents to complete.

Waste management in the workplace
A practical guide to reduce quantity and improve waste sorting.
In collaboration with the Superdreckskëscht and the City of Luxembourg.
3 pages, 3.6MB

Transition kit for companies
Different alternatives to single-use are assessed to help you understand their characteristics and compare them. This publication also compiles testimonials from organisations that have already implemented some of these solutions to allow you to benefit from their feedback.
Updated in May 2022.
174 pages, 5,5Mo
Transition kit for companies - Going Further
4 additional sheets :
Food Containers in the Workplace
Flexible food packaging in the workplace
Wipes in the workplace
The rPET issue
14 pages, 294Kb
Leitfaden für die Umstellung für unternehmen
Verschiedene Alternativen zu Einwegplastik werden bewertet, um Ihnen zu helfen, ihre Eigenschaften zu verstehen und sie zu vergleichen. Diese Publikation stellt außerdem Erfahrungsberichte von Organisationen zusammen, die einige dieser Alternativen bereits eingeführt haben, damit Sie von deren Feedback profitieren können.
Aktualisiert im Mai 2022.
174 Seiten, 5,5MB
Leitfaden für die Umstellung für unternehmen - Weiterführende Informationen
4 zusätzliche Karteikarten :
Lebensmittelbehälter in Unternehmen
Die flexiblen Lebensmittelverpackungen in Unternehmen
Feuchttücher in Unternehmen
Die Frage nach rPET
14 Seiten, 294KB
Natural resources & Biodiversity
Podcast "Ancrage"
Listen to the podcast Ancrage, produced by Renée Prod with students from the Lycée français du Luxembourg and the Lycée International Anne Beffort as part of the educational aspect of the project.
Meet renowned experts, business leaders, NGOs, and our guest of honour, HRH, the Grand Duke of Luxembourg and, listen to fascinating interviews with inquisitive students and an experienced journalist.
Corporate Gardens
When companies reconnect with nature
The ambition of the Grand-Duchy to become the first state to adopt urban gardening policies at a national level became a reality with the official presentation of the first official National Strategy for Urban Farming in Mai 2019. IMS Luxembourg realized quickly the interest that adopting a corporate garden could have and created this publication for its members in order to give an insight on the first steps of what a company could do to make the first step towards adopting a corporate garden.
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70 pages, 3.9MB
Activity reports
IMS Luxembourg Activity Report 2023
Each year, find the presentation of the team, the members, the key figures and a summary of our annual activities.
Soon available in English.
72 pages, 3,8Mo

IMS Luxembourg Activity Report 2022
Each year, find the presentation of the team, the members, the key figures and a summary of our annual activities
64 pages, 10MB

IMS Luxembourg Activity Report 2021
Each year, find the presentation of the team, the members, the key figures and a summary of our annual activities.
64 pages, 10.2MB

IMS Luxembourg Activity Report 2020
Each year, find the presentation of the team, the members, the key figures and a summary of our annual activities.
56 pages, 4.7MB

IMS Luxembourg Activity Report 2019
Each year, find the presentation of the team, the members, the key figures and a summary of our annual activities.
54 pages, 5.1MB
IMS Luxembourg Activity Report 2018
Each year, find the presentation of the team, the members, the key figures and a summary of our annual activities.
48 pages, 4.4MB