IMS - Inspiring More Sustainability - has been Luxembourg’s leading network for Sustainable Development for 18 years.
IMS' mission is to inspire responsible strategies and practices among national economic actors. IMS Luxembourg supports its members through collaborative and federating projects by promoting dialogue with stakeholders (private, public, associative).
IMS projects tackle these different challenges :
- People: diversity & inclusion, health & wellbeing, community engagement, youth, business & human rights
- Planet: ecomobility, decarbonation, natural resources & biodiversity, waste management
- Prosperity: responsible production & consumption, social and solidarity economy, communication & reporting, leadership & governance
IMS is an independent, apolitical, non-profit organisation who provides expertise, concrete solutions, awareness, and information (toolkit, training, clubs, workshops...). This network represents almost 25% of Luxembourg's payroll.
Since 2024, HRH the Grand Duke supports IMS Luxembourg by granting it his patronage.
IMS is the national contact point for several european and international organisations and movements: B Corp, Capitals Coalition, CSR Europe, the European Commission - Directorate General for Justice, Mental Health Work and the WBSCD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development). and is the local hub for The Inner Development Goals (IDG).
IMS is a recognised public interest organisation, which means it can receive tax-deductible donations. Continue your commitment by supporting IMS and making a donation to the association.

« Make Luxembourg the reference for a prosperous and sustainable society »
IMS considers companies as a major lever in the transformation of society. Companies today are increasingly judged on their global contribution to the social and environmental ecosystem in which they operate. Thus, all their stakeholders are more alert to what is often named « extra-financial criteria ». There is an irreversible movement taking place: more and more companies that have taken a CSR approach are reporting an overall positive impact and the creation of shared value both for their company and for society as a whole. IMS is the necessary catalyst to accelerate the movement in Luxembourg, and it embodies a reference at European level.
« Inspiring and activating more sustainability »
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a voluntary approach by companies to integrate not only economic responsibility but also environmental and social responsibility. In order to live up to this responsibility, companies interact in close partnership with their stakeholders.
More than just a tool for risk management, CSR is a source of opportunity and a competitive asset when it is managed proactively and integrated into the company’s strategy: namely when it comes to innovation and growth, staff motivation and customer attraction.
Aiming to create a positive impact on society that goes beyond a mere economic impact, companies that are involved in CSR can address some of society’s challenges and respond to them in their sphere of influence.
A changing environmental and social context heralds profound changes in companies’ management models. Organisations that seek to position themselves to meet the challenges of the future must now think through the innovative lens of CSR, which is a powerful engine for company growth and agility.

Dare to innovate
Encouraging creativity to respond to sustainable development challenges and proposing bold new approaches and solutions.
Cultivate sharing
Encouraging and facilitating the exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices to strengthen collaboration and maximise collective impact.
Individual and collective responsibility
Promoting proactive responsibility at all levels while cherishing the commitment of each person and the positive impact of individual and collective actions.
An inclusive and caring team
Establishing a trust-based and respectful environment where listening and inclusion reinforce an open and constructive collaborative dynamic.

- Communication campaigns
- Conferences / Luxembourg Sustainability Forum
- Workshops and trainings
- CSR clubs / Collaborative groups for sectoral innovation
- Stakeholders engagement (associations, experts, European players, etc.)
- Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg / Diversity Network
- Training through the Sustainability Academy
- State of play and recommendations of member practices
- Identification of possible areas of development
- Partnerships with researchers and specialists
- Publications
- Toolkit
- Best practices
- Pilot actions to mutualise means across the territories
- Facilitate partnerships with associations
- Diversity, sustainable purchases, etc.
Since its creation, IMS Luxembourg has focused on building a team around its values which are sharing, leadership and responsibility.
Our development is the work of a united, dynamic and passionate team. At IMS, we operate upon a foundation of trust, each employee is accountable. The employees are placed at the center of the activity and our solutions are the results of our team’s effort.
Quality of life at work is our priority and we are convinced that diversity and inclusion are a great asset for our employees and our business.