
Parliamentary administration's motivations to participate in IMS Luxembourg’s activities:

The motivation is an alignment with strategic objective OS9 of the Parliamentary Administration's work programme, namely: "Promoting a responsible working environment" - in a stated desire to integrate societal and environmental issues into its actions, the Parliamentary Administration aims to set an example through concrete measures and the promotion of an ecological and sustainable working environment.


Parliamentary administration's Sustainable Development Policy: 

The strategic objective of promoting a responsible working environment is broken down into two operational sub-objectives:
- to develop a CSR strategy, and
- implement an eco-responsibility strategy.
On the one hand, a CSR report has been drawn up for the first time in 2023, and on the other, an "energy sobriety charter" has been put in place.


Parliamentary administration's Sustainable Development actions and frameworks: 

During the last half of 2022, the Parliamentary Administration drew up an Energy Saving Charter, in an inclusive process involving all staff. At the same time, a resolution was tabled in the Chamber of Deputies. On 9 December 2022, the Bureau of the Chamber of Deputies decided to submit the Charter to the Chamber, and it was adopted as a resolution in the public session of 17 January 2023.