ING Luxembourg’s motivations to participate in IMS Luxembourg’s activities:
Attending IMS’ actions allow us to learn and speed up the move-forward process thanks to workshops and trainings that give impulse to Sustainable actions through IMS expertise and publications.
It also allows us to share our best practices with all actors on the Luxemburgish market and innovate in a more agile and participative system in which means are shared to promote Sustainability. We aim to evolve as much as possible thanks to the signature of the Diversity charter and our participation to the 3rd industrial revolution forum.
IMS’ activities ease linkage between stakeholders (association, foundation, experts, companies, public services…) and ING, notably through Speed Meeting for employment or the Luxembourg Sustainability Forum.
Finally, IMS’ events allow ING to propose its expertise as patron to sociably responsible companies or associations in agreement with our social and financial empowerment strategy.
ING Luxembourg’s CSR policy:
Our Sustainability policy at ING Luxemburg is part of our group strategy but also based on our local specifics.
Our strategy is articulated around 3 pillars :
- Financial empowerment
- Sustainable transition
- Human Capital
The goal of this strategy is to promote responsible investments and credits to our clients, to continually improve our environmental performance, to engage our employees and create a positive change for local and international communities.
Our local strategy is handled by two coordinators, a trainee and the different bank entities thanks to our Sustainability ambassadors.
ING Luxembourg’s CSR actions and frameworks:
- Financial empowerment
Besides our engagement to propose simple and comprehensible banking services for our clients and an individual support to help them to better manage their money, we also participate each year to Money Week to heighten youngers’ awareness to money management. Our company also opens its doors to high school students during Day Care in order to let them discover day-to-day life in a bank.
- Sustainable transition
ING supports its clients and helps them to stay a step ahead in life and in business. We discuss opportunities to work towards a carbon footprint reduction.
For more than 5 years, ING is labeled SuperDrecksKëtscht and raises its employees awareness on a better waste management all along the year but also on punctual events such as Zero-waste and selective sorting week.
Besides this we also collect plastic caps for ASA ASBL association in order to help in financing training for disabled children’s assistance dogs.
ING encourages its employees to use responsible transportation facilities by taking over annual Vel’oH subscription costs and facilitates the use of public transports thanks to its new headquarters in front of the Central Train Station.
- Human capital
Work-life balance is the focus of ING Luxembourg’s attentions. Besides implementation of flexible working hours, teleworking, leave periods buy-back, our company proposes several trainings and awareness raising-measures, notably about burn out. Well-be and Health programs are also implemented with annual health check-ups and workshops on different collaborators’ life-steps (first steps in professional life, becoming parents, helping for kids homework, professional challenges after 45 years old…)
Each summer, for its Health Summer, ING proposes sports courses held by passionate employees in order to promote sporting activity and friendly interaction between colleagues. ING strongly promotes sporting activity and is by the way sponsors of several sports events in Luxemburg.
As a Diversity charter signatory, ING promotes social diversity in its working teams and organizes each year its Diversity Day in order to raise awareness on diversity in companies and stereotypical bias. In 2018, a Lunch & Learn about cooperation between men and women has also been organized.
For more than 5 years, ING spotlight its employees and their passions during Lunch & Learn Passion during which they can share their passion with their colleagues.
Our philanthropic actions :
ING Luxembourg is an historic UNICEF’s partner.
Besides different activities as selling goodies or Easter eggs which the revenue is totally donated to UNICEF, we also organize our annual Run for Youth (previously Run for UNICEF) in order to raise funds to help the NGO.
Since 2011, ING organizes the ING Solidarity Awards rewarding Luxemburgish associations and foundations for their projects and actions with a total of 60 000€ in donations. By looking for votes, the contest’s participants enlist their network and increase their visibility.
ING also participates to Relay for Life organized by the Cancer foundation.
Thanks to all those actions, ING Luxembourg is labeled Sociably Responsible Company and received in 2010 the Diversity price.
Discover ING Luxembourg good practice about Diversity Awards 2017