EDENRED’s motivations to participate in IMS Luxembourg’s activities:
CSR has its particular place in our company: indeed, the Ticket Restaurant® has, originally, a social vocation of access to quality eating at a reasonable price. Therefore, it was logic for us to participate in such an initiative, an enriching opportunity that permits us to think and exchange with other companies that are involved in and convinced by CSR.
EDENRED’s CSR policy:
The societal responsibility approach of Edenred is durably anchored in its values. In addition to the environmental management we endeavour to put in place day by day, we are also committed to act within the community to improve its well-being. Our Ticket Restaurant® and Ticket Compliments® Supreme Award products are some tools to motivation, well-being at work. Simultaneously, we are developing counselling programmes and we support non-profit organisations and NGOs.
EDENRED’s CSR actions and frameworks:
Our CSR policy lies on these 3 pillars:
Ideal Meal: more than a simple issuer of meal vouchers, we are convinced that we also have the title of informer to accomplish in regards to the beneficiaries of our solutions. This is why we have initiated the European programme FOOD (Fighting Obesity through Offer and Demand). This programme allies both public and private partnerships and is destined to promote healthy eating during the workday by making certain awareness tools available to companies, restaurant managers, and consumers. This initiative coordinated by Edenred is in constant expansion.
Ideal Green: in our daily actions, we try to maximise the reduction of our ecological print. This can be done with small actions and big innovations: selective sorting bins, use of recycled paper and non-chlorinated ink, dematerialisation (electronic receipts). We are actually launching a pilot project that revolves around responsible consumption.
Ideal Care: the support of non-profit organisations and/or charitable actions is an important aspect of our CSR policy. In 2012, we have concretely helped Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) by giving them a part of our services’ assets during our Ticket Compliments® campaign at the end of the year. This initiative has permitted us to get treatment against malaria to 100 adults and healed 50 malnourished children, and this, over the period of a year.
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