Amundi Luxembourg's motivations to participate in IMS Luxembourg’s activities:
- Strengthen Amundi Luxembourg's CSR policies and be more proactive in this area
- Benefit from the IMS network and your expertise
- Raise awareness and interest among colleagues about sustainable development issues
- Collaborate by organising joint actions and activities
Amundi Luxembourg's Sustainable Development Policy:
Responsible investment has always been at the heart of Amundi's strategy, with social and environmental responsibility being one of the four founding pillars of the company since its creation in 2010. Today, this commitment is reflected through our engagement and voting policy, and our wide range of investment solutions and services to enable our clients to integrate ESG into their portfolios according to their objectives and constraints.
Amundi is also developing its CSR policy. As part of the ESG Ambition 2025 Plan, Amundi plans to extend the integration of ESG criteria into its remuneration policy and to reduce emissions per employee by 30%.
Amundi Luxembourg's Sustainable Development actions and frameworks:
Amundi has set up Ambitions 2025, which aims to support a fair environmental transition. Many actions have been implemented. Here are a few examples:
- All actively managed open-ended funds include an assessment of companies' decarbonisation efforts and the development of their green activities;
- Within investment portfolios, progressive elimination of companies exposed to the exploration and production of unconventional hydrocarbons;
- Offering our customers an ESG analysis tool, ALTO Sustainability;
- Developing 'Net Zero' products and services to meet growing investor demand.