
Luxembourg Sustainability Forum 2023

Acting for Real Changes

The 12th edition of the Luxembourg Sustainability Forum (LSF) is coming up! The LSF is the must-attend event for sustainable development in Luxembourg. Organised by the IMS team, it provides new perspectives as well as concrete and inspiring solutions to environmental and social challenges, thanks to a high-quality programme. 

This year, let’s discover what's behind the scenes of our economic lives… 

Eating, dressing, travelling, working... These actions all hold tremendous potential for moving us towards a desirable future. Citizens and businesses alike are on the front line of change to address the challenge of "sustainable consumption and production". 

Coup de théâtre! Radical and promising changes are underway in various areas of our lives. Discover them in several acts. This new edition will not cease to surprise with its varied settings, speakers and scenes. Silence, curtain up!


When? Thursday 26 October 2023, welcome from 12h45 - from 1.30 pm to 6.40 pm (followed by a networking cocktail)
Where? Luxexpo (sold-out) or livestream on imslux.lu (on registration)
For who? This event is open to all

Event in English and French. 
Simultaneous translation into English and French.


The Luxembourg Sustainability Forum 2023 has obtained the Green Business Events logo. The General Directorate of Tourism of the Ministry of Economy attributes the logo to events that respect eco-responsible criteria. For more information, visit: https://greenbusinessevents.lu/


Photos will likely be taken at the event intended to be published by IMS Luxembourg in written or digital media. Please inform the host at the beginning of the event if you do not wish to be in the photos.

Click on the different acts for more details



Elisabeth Adams, Caritas Luxembourg
Behind Your Style





Kiki Boreel, Climate Ambassador for the future
Behind Your Style





Gwladys Costant, GoToFreedom
Behind Your Job





Chuck de LiedekerkeSoil Capital
Behind Your Food





Charlène Descollonges, Ingénieure hydrologue
Behind Your Water





Julia Gregor, on.perfekt
Behind Your Food





Joy Hellers, Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg
Behind Your Style





Felipe Koch, Université Paris-Est Créteil
Behind Your Travel





Ben Lynam, The Travel Foundation
Behind Your Travel





Chef René Mathieu, La Distillerie
Behind Your Food





Collectif Minuit 12
Behind Your Water





Jean Muller, Les Moulins de Kleinbettingen
Behind Your Food





Gabrielle Pastel, Youth Forever
Behind Your Job





Peigi Rodan, Withlocals
Behind Your Travel





Saskia Rotshuizen, B Lab Benelux
Behind Your Job





Pierre-Éric Sutter, Social Sciences Researcher
Behind Your Job





Esra Tat, Zero Waste Europe
Behind Your Style





Thomas UthayakumarFondation pour la Nature et l'Homme
Behind Your Food





Bert van Son, MUD Jeans
Behind Your Style



SOLD-OUT IN-PERSON - You register for the livestream

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Gold sponsors


"The IMS Forum is an annual highlight for the community of Luxembourg organisations committed to CSR. It's an excellent opportunity to step back and get inspired by trends and solutions to meet the sustainable development challenges that await us in the coming years. ArcelorMittal Luxembourg, co-founder of IMS, supports the initiatives of IMS, which is becoming more and more a key player on these essential issues each year." Henri Reding, Country Head ArcelorMittal Luxembourg



"As a B-Corp certified company and partner of choice, Banque de Luxembourg is again supporting the Luxembourg Sustainability Forum, highlighting the issues, projects and key players involved in sustainable development. Like IMS, we aim to enlist the support of all our stakeholders to make a success of our transition." Pierre Ahlborn, Administrateur-délégué - Banque de Luxembourg



"As a major player in the Luxembourg economy, we have a responsibility to support our customers in their transition to a more sustainable and inclusive economy. We are determined and committed at every level to fighting climate change by stepping up our actions to limit global warming to 1.5°C by 2050." Béatrice Belorgey, President of the Executive Committee of BGL BNP Paribas - Head of BNP Paribas Group entities in Luxembourg



"By supporting the Luxembourg Sustainability Forum, PwC reaffirms its strong commitment to a sustainable future. We are acting for change to build a diverse and inclusive environment for our People, deliver sustainable outcomes for the ecosystem we evolve in, and make our Planet a better place to live in. Each year, the Forum contributes to raising awareness of environmental and societal challenges, and I have no doubt it will inspire concrete actions to make the world more sustainable for everyone. " François Mousel, Managing Partner, PwC Luxembourg



"Climate change, the erosion of biodiversity and the degradation of our environment pose unprecedented challenges. They require us to change how we produce and consume and to lead the transition to a more sustainable economy in a resolute, fair and inclusive manner. To face this paradigm shift, Societe Generale has chosen to transform itself, support its stakeholders in their transition, and build together.This is an ambitious project, a real paradigm shift, a real challenge that must be part of a long-term trajectory! Faced with this new paradigm, there is only one possible solution: build together!" Xavier Blouin, Head of External Relations & CSO Société Générale Luxembourg



"Sustainability is a priority for Luxexpo The Box. We take the impact of events on the ecosystem seriously and seek to reduce environmental consequences. We choose suppliers carefully and encourage sustainable practices. Together, we can make a difference." Morgan Gromy, CEO LuxExpo The Box



Silver sponsors



"Sustainable development is part of our daily lives. Our employees being aware of the related challenges, we collectively work to promote the integration of sustainable criteria into our decision-making process, both on a personal level and as part of our strategy." Loïc Le Foll, member of the Executive Committee of AG2R La Mondiale in charge of Wealth Savings and Managing Director of La Mondiale Europartner.



"Acting sustainably is a tradition and a principle that guides the activities of the Craft Industry. I am delighted with the initiatives led by IMS, such as LSF2023, which are also leading to a revaluation of our sector." Tom Oberweis, President of the Chambre des Métiers



"IFSB strives for sustainable waste management (via its catering service and core business) and sustainable and rational management of natural resources by moving away from fossil fuels (pellet boilers, for example)." Bruno Renders, Managing Director, IFSB




"Our diversified services offer meet all the challenges of everyday life: to improve the quality of life of our employees and those we serve and contribute to the economic, social and environmental progress in the communities where we operate. For Sodexo, growth and social commitment go hand in hand to create a better every day for everyone and to build a better life for all." Julien Demoulin, CEO Sodexo Luxembourg



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