

The latest IPCC reports are alarming and insist on the need for a drastic and rapid reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on a human scale. IMS wants to encourage its member organisations to reduce their GHG emissions to limit global warming to a maximum of 2°C and ideally 1.5°C

Previously (2022), a Task Force made up of some forty organisations worked on the subject, basing its work in particular on the methods of the Science-Based Targets initiative, an international initiative that certifies that companies' reduction targets are in line with what climate science recommends. The aim of the Task Force was, therefore, to go beyond carbon offsetting and focus on the activities of its members and their impact.


IMS presents the "Businesses in Luxembourg Initiative for Climate (BLIC)" project.

The "Businesses in Luxembourg Initiative for Climate (BLIC)" project enables participating companies to increase their knowledge of their activities' climate-related impacts.
A climate transition plan is created for each company to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for the impact of climate change. This project was developed with the aim of preparing companies to meet the new CSRD directive (ESRS 1).

We will provide you with the necessary support to set up a climate transition plan that complies with the Paris Agreement goals to achieve net zero emissions under a 1.5°C global warming scenario.

Thanks to our support and discussions with the group, we can offer you.

  • To comply with the new CRSD directive, which sets stricter sustainability reporting regulations for large businesses.
  • Be transparent with your stakeholders, including investors, customers, and regulators.
  • Optimise your resources and processes to reduce costs while reducing your carbon footprint.
  • Deal with climate change-related risks, such as supply chain disruptions, future regulations, and pressure from other stakeholders.
  • Take a proactive approach to sustainability, enabling you to distinguish from your competitors and attract new customers.

No matter your business sector, degree of maturity or your needs on the subject, the offer is tailor-made and will be adapted to you. 

In collaboration with Carbone 4.








Why should a company take part in BLIC?

- You will be compliant with the CSRD directive, which will apply to all listed companies and similar-sized entities operating in the European Union by 2025
- You will be more transparent with your stakeholders
- You will optimise your resources and processes
- You will be able to manage the risks posed by climate change and by future regulations
- You will be able to take a proactive approach and distinguish from your competitors


What is the CSRD?

The "Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)" is a new European directive that aims to improve sustainability reporting requirements for listed companies and similar-sized entities operating in the European Union. It is based on the principles of ESG, which stand for environmental, social and governance criteria. For the BLIC project, we will focus solely on the climate change aspect (ESRS E1).

Even if your company is not yet covered by the CSRD, you will still have to report your carbon footprint and prepare a transition plan, as your customers, suppliers, and partners will ask you to do so.

Is there a fixed timetable for the project?

The BLIC project is tailor-made and adapts to suit your needs, no matter how advanced you are in terms of climate issues or your business sector.

Do I have to be an IMS member to take part?

You don't necessarily have to be an IMS member to participate in the BLIC initiative.


7,500 per company for IMS members.
9,500 for non-IMS members.


Four group sessions and two individual sessions will be scheduled according to project needs. However, the Project Manager will remain available to support you individually throughout the project.

The 4 group sessions and the 2 individual sessions will be in-person. However, we can adapt to your needs.


  • Temps

  • Difficulté

  • Coût