

Well-being at work is heavily impacted by the interactions we have each day – human or technological, or AI-generated. In this context, the project “New Tech Adaptation for Companies” aims to raise awareness and skills of employees regarding new technologies at the workplace. 

Empowering employees’ digital skills 

Well-being at work is heavily impacted by the interactions we have each day – human or technological, or AI-generated. In this context, the project “New Tech Adaptation for Companies” aims to raise awareness and skills of employees regarding new technologies at the workplace.  

Hence, the project has two goals: 

  1. Raising awareness on the fast evolution of job functions and thus the need for digital competencies 
  2. Upskilling digital competencies of employees 

Concrete actions towards innovative integration 

Throughout the process of two years, IMS offers employees the chance to participate in multiple concrete actions to enhance their digital skills.  

  • Raising awareness: conferences with renowned experts in digital skills and their importance within companies, as well as the evaluation of employees’ skills by applying Pix.  
  • Upskilling: improving digital competencies by having employees participate in various predefined interactive, self-led pathways that adapt the level according to the responses. Finally, levelling up their digital competencies together by relying on collective intelligence, intergenerational learning and teaching and reverse mentoring. 
  • Inter- and intra-company collaboration: over the course of six sessions, we will work together in creative and interactive workshops about AI, mentorship and new technologies in general. At the end, a mentorship guide will be published, gathering all best practices and learnings of the project.  




This project is supported by the the Department of Media, Connectivity and Digital Policy, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Digitalisation and the European Social Fund +.





What is pix? 

Pix is a public French start-up, founded in 2017, that assists the digital transformation of society by helping millions of users to develop their digital skills throughout their lives. In 2025, Pix is available in French, English and Dutch and allows an organization to assess and improve digital competencies by having employees participate in 13 predefined interactive, self-led pathways that adapt the level according to the responses. The pathways focus on the development of various competencies in line with the 21 competencies defined by the European Framework, DigComp.    

What are digital competencies? 

In DigComp 2.2, the EU defines digital competencies as the confident, critical and responsible use of, and engagement with, digital technologies for learning, at work, and for participation in society. As such, there are five big categories of competencies:  

- Information and data literacy – includes browsing, searching and filtering information, evaluating and managing data. An example is knowing how to use Google search but also being able to build data visualizations.  

- Communication and collaboration - includes interacting, sharing, engaging in citizenship and collaborating through digital technologies. As such, this area includes knowing how to change your Teams background appropriately but also knowing how to block spam emails. 

- Digital content creation - includes copyright and licenses, programming and the development and integration of digital content. This means being able to create a well-structured word document, but also to use Python to program a website.  

- Safety - includes the protection of your devices, your data and privacy, but also your health and well-being. For example, one can have a basic understanding of what cookies are or schedule their emails to avoid burnout and increase efficiency. 

- Problem Solving – includes the solving of technical problems, as well as the creative use of digital technology and identifying digital competence gaps. As such, you can raise awareness about “fake news” or know how to strategically set up an Internet of Things (IoT) at home. 

The last two competencies are transversal and can be applied across the other three skills.  

Why are digital skills important for companies/employers/employees? 

Studies show that 68% of the French workforce that use ChatGPT do not tell their superiors. That is a significant problem in transparency, trust and communication which will eventually cost the company. Hence, to enhance the work environment, and thus the well-being of employees and employers alike, it is important to increase awareness as well as competencies in digital technologies. 

what are the international regulatory frameworks regarding digital skills?

On an international level, the United Nations (UN) installed a high-level advisory body focusing solely on the implementation of AI and digital technologies. Their Global Digital Compact includes the reduction of digital divides and an inclusive digital economy. Within the European Union (EU), we have a regulatory framework that details not only the European strategy for digitalisation, but also specifically digital competences. 

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