

Photo © Alexis Rosenfeld, 1Ocean


With the initiative "The Ocean is coming to Luxembourg", IMS Luxembourg and the 1OCEAN Foundation, supported by the European Investment Bank, aim to raise awareness among landlocked countries of their impact on and dependence on the oceans.

We aim to provide pathways for solutions and concrete actions during this event. This approach is manifested through several events targeting businesses, young generations, and the general public, which will be organised in the territory around World Oceans Day.

The goal is to gather committed actors at the European and Luxembourgish levels to position themselves as pioneers in an unprecedented project and inspire other landlocked countries to replicate the initiative.

Why take an interest in the ocean in Luxembourg? Interdependencies and challenges
The ocean generates more than half the oxygen you breathe, influences your diet and contributes to the national economy through maritime trade.
Unfortunately, plastic pollution is also a significant problem affecting all ecosystems. The effects of climate change are being felt across our country, with rising temperatures, changes in rainfall, loss of biodiversity, impacts on agriculture, threats to public health and substantial economic costs.
Nevertheless, Luxembourg is not standing idly by in the face of these challenges. Initiatives are being implemented to limit the damage caused by climate change. Everyone is encouraged to participate in this fight by adopting ecological gestures and supporting environmental causes. 

Join us in our efforts to ensure a sustainable and resilient future in Luxembourg and everywhere else!



The 1Ocean Foundation
1Ocean Foundation is an international project of scientific exploration led by the photographer Alexis Rosenfeld and supported by UNESCO. Explore, document, and transmit are the guiding principles of 1 OCEAN. Through the creation and dissemination of content, the Foundation aims to be the witness of the Ocean, both its riches and the threats it faces, and the solutions we can bring. Scientific exploration missions are the subject of photographic production, documentary films, interviews, exhibitions, and a communication program adapted to allow as many people as possible to (re)connect with the Ocean. From the secrets of the depths to the wonders of marine life, 1 OCEAN takes you on a journey to discover the Ocean.



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Click on each session for more information and registration



Any organisation based in Luxembourg can support the "L'Océan s'invite au Luxembourg" event by sponsoring the event - organised by IMS and the 1OCEAN Foundation, supported by the European Investment Bank.

Supporting "L'Océan s'invite au Luxembourg" ensures that your organisation:

  • associates its brand image with a highlight of sustainable development in Luxembourg ;
  • support awareness-raising for the preservation of the oceans;
  • helping to raise awareness in landlocked countries of the importance of a sustainable blue economy.

For more information on the different levels of partnership on offer, ask for the sponsorship grid at vanessa.marotta@imslux.lu



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