Many stereotypes and prejudices still exist against LGBTI people (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex) despite a favourable legislation and environment in Luxembourg. Discrimination and lgbti-phobic acts remain a reality in the world and in Europe. In Luxembourg, the lack of tangible data on the situation of LGBT+ persons does not reveal the social and professional reality.
Considering these facts, several questions are now raising for companies.
How to create an inclusive working environment where everyone feels free to be themselves? How to prevent discrimination against LGBTI people? How to provide inclusive offers and services for all? To try to answer these questions and to raise awareness on this diversity topic, we mobilised our network.
In 2018 and 2019, private companies, public bodies and associations met in four workshops to work together on tools, good practices and projects promoting the inclusion of LGBTI people.
In 2021 and 2022, two projects dedicated to the inclusion of LGBTI people are launched by IMS:
- The creation of a good practice guide, with written and video testimonies from concerned persons and allies.
- The elaboration of a guide on transidentity, a tool to inform and support transgender people in the world of work, and also to better understand the Luxembourg legal framework on the subject.
In 2022, a new project was launched with the support of the Ministry of Family, Integration and the Greater Region, the European Social Fund and the Oeuvre de Secours National Grande-Duchesse Charlotte. IMS has launched an e-learning course to raise awareness of LGBTQIA+ issues in companies. This training was created on the basis of the needs expressed by companies in relation to the issue.
The aim of this e-learning is to raise awareness and educate companies and employees on the subject, but also to transmit good practices to be implemented at both individual and organisational levels.
- Improve employees well-being
- Implement social commitment
- Develop employer branding
- Improve performance and boost innovation
E-learning on LGBTI inclusion in the workplace
To go further, IMS has launched an e-learning course to raise awareness of LGBTQIA+ issues in companies.
This e-learning aims to raise awareness and educate companies and employees on the subject and to transmit good practices to be implemented at both individual and organisational levels.
Guide: LGBTI inclusion in the workplace
Good practices, testimonials and useful resources
This guide is a collection of ideas that have already been implemented in companies or institutions, mainly in Europe, which has proven to be effective in the fight against lgbt-phobic acts. All of the practices are intended to be inspiring. Each person is free to share, reproduce or adapt them to his or her own reality.
Guide: Transgender people inclusion in the workplace
Get informed, support and know the Luxembourg legal framework
It contains the basic notions related to transidentity, the Luxembourg legal framework, the stereotypes to be deconstructed, as well as practical advice to be implemented in companies. It allows organisations in the Grand Duchy and their employees to learn about transgenderism or to find support and advice.
Thematic Report: LGBTI inclusion in the workplace
The thematic report summarises the reflections and work from the co-creation workshops and highlights the topic of inclusion of LGBTI people in the workplace.

Addressing this issue is beneficial for the company on several levels:
- Employee well-being
Diversity management policies aim to enable everyone to be themselves at work. A framework favourable to self-fulfilment, cohesion and trust can thus be developed, a vector for employee commitment and loyalty.
- Employer image
Developing a policy of LGBTI inclusion strengthens the employer brand in a context where more and more candidates are sensitive to the company's societal commitments. An inclusive corporate culture helps to attract and retain rich talent and profiles.
- Societal commitment
The company has a power of influence in society and can convey messages promoting diversity and equal opportunities. The visibility of LGBTI role models is a source of inspiration, for example, for citizens and other companies.
- Performance and innovation
Rich and committed profiles for the company are a source of performance (increased productivity) and creativity and innovation (richness of views). Beyond the internal aspect, the LGBTI community also represents a market share that it can retain.

You can consult guided available in the "Resources" tab.
Awareness-raising and training on the subject will provide a joint knowledge base for all, which will provide fertile ground for future concrete actions.