Disconnect 360
The right to disconnect, enshrined in Luxembourg law since 2023, is still often poorly applied in companies. Hyperconnection can lead to stress, exhaustion, and deterioration in employees' mental health.
To help companies and employees implement this right, IMS Luxembourg is launching the Disconnect360 project.
Disconnect360 aims to raise awareness and support organisations in effectively applying the right to disconnect by proposing appropriate, practical solutions.
Concrete actions to achieve these objectives:
- Training and raising awareness among 150 employees about the challenges of hyperconnection
- Structuring solutions through 4 sector-based working groups to identify the obstacles and adapt the solutions to the realities of each sector
- Developing a toolkit in French, English and German to help companies structure or introduce their disconnection policy
- Organise 4 awareness-raising workshops led by experts to train employees and employers in best practice
- The project will conclude with a conference attended by 100 participants, which will share the results and encourage wider dissemination of the solutions implemented.
This project helps to reduce the stress and mental overload associated with hyperconnection. By introducing clear policies, organisations can improve the quality of life at work and promote a healthier work-life balance.
Disconnect360 also helps to make companies more attractive by promoting digital well-being and social responsibility practices. Finally, the project offers concrete solutions to help organisations comply with legal requirements and anticipate changes in the professional world.
Project supported by Digital Luxembourg, the Chamber of Commerce of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Luxembourg Chamber of Employees, the Ministry of State - Department of Media, Connectivity and Digital Policy (SMC), Ministry of Labour, European Union and the European Social Fund.
In 2019, IMS tackled this issue with the "Info Flow Savvy" project dedicated to information overload and hyperconnection, complemented by actions concerning remote management and the reflection on introducing a Luxembourgish right to disconnect.
In 2022, the Info Flow Savvy Academy project took the issues identified by the Info Flow Savvy project a step further. It provided training and awareness of work-related infobesity through a conference, e-learning and a practical guide in the resources tab. The project was co-financed by the European Social Fund, the Ministry of State via Digital Lëtzebuerg, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy, the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Employees.
In 2023, the “Techwell” project was part of a proactive approach to preventing digital risks and promoting balanced use of technology. It offered training and conferences on mental overload, hyperconnection, disconnection and the balance between technology and private life. Techwell also provided audits in 12 companies, podcasts, a digital well-being awareness game and a guide to individual and collective good practice. The project was co-financed by the European Social Fund, Digital Luxembourg, the Chamber of Commerce of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Luxembourg Chamber of Employees, the Ministry of State - Department of Media, Connectivity and Digital Policy (SMC) and the Ministry of Labour.
The increasingly intense use of digital communication reinforces infobesity, hyperconnection, social isolation and digital addiction. This phenomenon has significant consequences on the well-being, learning capacities and success of all users, especially the youngest: a population newly exposed to certain digital risks previously "reserved" for professional uses of digital technology.
Distance learning and teleworking have developed rapidly, increasing most individuals' technical (mainly digital) skills. Although digital natives are more technically intuitive, their use of and exposure to digital tools is wrongly assumed to be measured or self-regulated.
While these digital prejudices exist in all segments of the population, they are more deeply rooted and less nuanced in the under-27s, making their integration into the professional world perilous on a psychosocial level.
Faced with these problems, IMS Luxembourg is working on the "Digital Well-Being for Youth - Humanising the digital so as not to digitise the human" project with the support of the Œuvre Nationale de Secours de la Grande-Duchesse Charlotte. This project is committed to fighting against the prejudices of digital uses by bringing together students preparing for professional integration, employees with less than two years of experience, managers and employees in function.
IMS Luxembourg wishes to train people on the non-implicit nature of digital uses while preventing individual and collective mental impacts. Experiments will identify norms/clichés and provide tools to enable learning and working conditions framed by the concepts underlying digital well-being. The aim is to prevent psychosocial risks for the younger generation, which is certainly used to digital technology but cannot protect itself from it.
- Exploring solutions to information overload
These modules offer pedagogical and pragmatic training to take a step back and reduce sources of information overload. With 10 modules of 15 to 20 minutes, learners can assess their level, disseminate skills and good practices.
- "Digital Well-Being for Youth", toolkit
5 modules to help reduce psycho-social risks for new employees in your company. It will help them understand the right behaviours to adopt when using digital tools in the workplace.
Mental overload / Hyper-reactivity / Multi-tasking / Home Working / Disconnection
to be completed with the videos
FLOW - Balancing your digital practices at work
This best practice guide is part of the Techwell project, which aims to promote mental health at work in a digital environment by responding to the challenges of hyperconnection, information overload and increased productivity requirements.
Information overload in the workplace
This guide provides suggestions for finding the most suitable solutions for your company and implementing practical applications for managing information effectively.
Available in French, English and German.
Info Flow Savvy Barometer
In collaboration with LISER, IMS Luxembourg is examining the digital habits of workers whose jobs are predominantly intellectual.
IMS Luxembourg, Cog'X, Dsides, and Didask offer you a journey to the heart of the brain, to discover its strengths but also its limits faced with current new ways of working.
IMS would like to thank the Mudam Luxembourg - Musée d'Art Moderne Grand Duc Jean for kindly making its walls available for this recording.
The exhibition is available for loan to IMS member companies
Infobesity and resilience: adopting responsible information practices, with Caroline Sauvajol-Rialland
This conference, co-produced by IMS and So Comment, addresses the problem of too much information and its negative impact on the environment and professional life.
Roundtable - “Knowledge Management: people are the information heart”
From hyperconnected to digital-savvy, let's take the first step".
Sustainability Mag
- The instantaneity tyranny
- Quick and Dirty! Facing the Diktat of Urgency at Work
- Hyper-acceleration and Infobesity in Companies