Faced with the recent digitalisation and sustainable development challenges facing organisations and young people, IMS Luxembourg and CARE Luxembourg propose the Digital Challenge initiative. The aim is to understand together the new challenges linked to the future of employment and best support the future of young people searching for meaning.
Digital Challenge takes place on 29th October 2025, the same day as the dayCARE, a program of CARE Luxembourg which allows young people to discover companies for the first time. The Digital Challenge immersion day offers the opportunity for companies and young people to meet in teams to respond to a challenge, related to digitalisation and sustainable development.
The young people can thus multiply the exchanges with the company and deepen their knowledge and skills in a professional context. The companies themselves have time for meaningful exchanges to better understand the interactions and collaborations with the new generations and thus adapt to them.
Commit to the inclusion of young people in Luxembourg! Your participation as a host organisation can strengthen your CSR strategy by offering motivated young people a unique insertion and a concrete professional reflection. For more details on the different events and registration, please refer to our agenda:

The Digital Challenge is an initiative supported by IMS Luxembourg and CARE Luxembourg. It allows young people (from 16 years old) to spend a day of immersion in a company of their choice. The aim of this project is to discover the world of business while responding to one of its current problems (a "Challenge"). The group of 2 to 5 young people will have to propose an innovative solution to this challenge, by cooperating with the company's employees.

All companies in Luxembourg can register. Thus, there will be different sectors and fields of activity from the Luxembourg territory represented.

The Digital Challenge offers the possibility to provide a day of immersion within your company. Your participation as a host company allows you to :
• To offer motivated young people a first integration into a company;
• Understand the workings and codes of the new generation, and discover the talents of tomorrow;
• To initiate a reflection on one or more digital or environmental issues currently identified within your company;
• Initiate the digital transition and sustainable development in your company;
• Promote the inclusion of young people from all backgrounds in Luxembourg.

The key dates for the Digital Challenge 2024 will be announced shortly.

You are totally free to host as many young people as you wish within your company. As the Digital Challenge is a group challenge, we ask you to host between 2 and 5 young people per challenge. Please make sure that they are welcomed in the best possible conditions (one mentor per team).

The profiles of the young people are very varied: from young people preparing for university studies, to young people in apprenticeship training for a craft trade. Registration for the challenge is voluntary and depends on the young people's interest in the proposed field or challenge.

Thanks to its expertise, CARE Luxembourg will take care of the recruitment of the young people, assisted by IMS Luxembourg. Thanks to CARE's network, the project will be presented in about twenty high schools.
Each group of young people can apply directly online for the challenge of their choice. IMS and CARE will then make sure that certain conditions, such as languages and motivations, are respected.

The young people come to discover your company, your functioning and to understand the environment in which you evolve, with the aim of finding an innovative solution to your problem. You are therefore free to offer them presentations, workshops, etc.
We suggest that you mobilise at least one employee per group in order to best support the young people in solving the challenge. You can involve more employees if you wish to have more cross-perspective around the identified issue.

The time of the Digital Challenge corresponds to a working day, i.e. from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with a lunch break. The hours are flexible depending on the company or profession.

The challenge is a concrete problem, like a business case, that you are currently facing or will face in the very near future within your company. The theme of the challenge is digitalisation, evolution of skills and/or sustainable development.

The young people are insured by their respective schools or organisations during the whole Digital Challenge day.

The Digital Challenge offers the opportunity to spend a day in a company. Your participation allows you to :
• To have a first experience and a first contact with the business world;
• To understand the current challenges facing companies, around the theme of digitalisation and/or sustainable development;
• To deepen your knowledge and skills while integrating concretely into the company for a day;
• To collaborate in groups and with the company's employees to find an innovative solution to the chosen challenge.

The key dates for the Digital Challenge 2024 will be announced shortly.

One week before the day of the event, you will receive an email with more information about the chosen challenge (background information about the company, documents, history, etc.). Together with your group, you are invited to start thinking about the company's challenge.
On D-Day, you will be welcomed into the company during working hours. The company is free to offer you different activities. You will be guided by employees of the company to answer the problem.
Then, a closing session will be organised. During this session, some of the groups will be able to present their solutions and the companies will be able to give you feedback on your ideas at the same time
After the health crisis, 2022 and 2023 will also see a host of crises: climatic, social, energy, food, political, economic, and so on. It's difficult to predict what tomorrow will bring, both as an organisation and an individual. No doubt, crises impact young people, even if they’re not the first victims.
According to the second “Baromètre de confiance dans l’avenir” from the media l’Etudiant (2022), 78% of young people say that the successive crises since 2020 are affecting their confidence in the future, and 66% believe that they are having a real impact on their morale and psychological state.
Today, having the skills and resources needed to anticipate and prepare for uncertainty with resilience is essential. Some of the skills necessary to manage complex and critical situations are useful in crises but are also interesting in other cases, such as the world of work.
Through testimonials, workshops and the deployment of concrete actions, we encourage exchanges between Luxembourg companies, academic staff in secondary schools and young people to offer a better understanding of crisis management and the issues linked to the future of employment.