
Workshop: "Heures silencieuses"

Published on 10 February 2025

Network news 

This workshop will provide all the information you need about the procedures and implications of participating in the "Heures Silencieuses, je m’engage !" project. The project aims to promote a more inclusive and calming shopping environment for everyone, particularly those with autism, hypersensitivity, or sensory impairments.

Considering each shop's specific needs, we will discuss the practical aspects of implementing this initiative in your shop's technical constraints.

The Heures Silencieuses concept was launched in 2023, following Auchan Luxembourg's flagship initiative to promote inclusion in retail. This national campaign "Heures Silencieuses, je m'engage!" was created by the Ministère de la Famille, des Solidarités, du Vivre ensemble et de l'Accueil, together with Luxembourg Confederation, Fondation Autisme and IMS.

You can only attend the event if you register by contacting marie-laure.moreau@confederation.lu

Practical information: 

  • The event is open to all
  • Parking is available on-site
  • Lunch offered
  • Places are limited 
  • Welcome from 12.15 pm; the session will be held from 12.30 pm to 1.45 pm

When? Tuesday, 25th February 

Where? Luxembourg Confederation - 7 Rue Alcide de Gasperi, 1615 Kirchberg Luxembourg


  • Temps

  • Difficulté

  • Coût