
Spëndchen et IMS join forces: 2.6 tonnes of clothes collected!

Published on 19 December 2024

In November, for the second year running, IMS Luxembourg organised a clothing drive in partnership with the Spëndchen association. Thanks to the participation of 25 organisations representing more than 4,600 employees, we managed to collect more than 2.6 tonnes of clothes. Spendchen redistributes these clothes to several Luxembourg associations. Over 80% is redistributed or resold at low cost to needy people in Luxembourg.

Many thanks to all the participating organisations and the people involved for their generosity and commitment. The IMS Luxembourg team also had the opportunity to spend a day volunteering at Spëndchen during the sorting phase. 

Why is this important? 
According to UNEP 2023, the fashion industry accounts for between 2 and 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The environmental and social challenges posed by this industry are immense.  

Before buying a garment, we can ask ourselves these questions: 

  • Do I really need it? 
  • Can I find it second-hand? 
  • Is it ethical? No fast fashion, respect for human rights, natural materials, etc. 

Remember: the garment that has the least impact is the one you don't buy! 

This initiative brought together several organisations including Clearstream, La Luxembourgeoise, Kneip, ILA, Baker McKenzie, JLL, BSP, Schroeder & Associés, ILQVT, LuxFLAG, Groupe Tricentenaire, Handicap International Luxembourg ASBL, COOPERATIONS, Médecins Sans Frontières, Palana S.A., Orange, Association des Banques et Banquiers Luxembourg, European Court of Auditors, CAMCA Assurance, Broad Street Luxembourg Sarl, CHAMP Cargosystems, HSBC Bank Luxembourg, Du Pain Pour Chaque Enfant, DSM Avocats à la Cour, Mediation SA. 

Finally, a huge thank you to all those who made this initiative possible. 

  • Temps

  • Difficulté

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