
BFP in a few words

Published on 16 July 2024

Network news 

The BPF is a financing facility initiated and financed by the Luxembourg government through the Luxembourg Cooperation. The facility aims to encourage the Luxembourgish and European private sector to join forces with partners in developing countries to set up sustainable and innovative business projects.

The BPF aims to work with a committed and responsible private sector. Commitments to responsible business conduct are a key criterion for the award of co-financing. In this context, the cross-cutting themes of human rights, gender equality, environmental sustainability and climate impact are integrated in a holistic way in the support of initiatives selected for co-financing.

Thus, during the implementation of their project, awareness-raising sessions are offered to the selected project leaders. Project leaders must also submit a due diligence report in line with the "Duty of Care" practices for responsible business conduct.

The BPF is based on co-financing of up to 50% maximum of a project’s total budget and not exceeding EUR 200,000. It encourages responsible private sector initiatives that contribute to development and job creation in developing countries and/or technology transfer. All sectors of activity are eligible for the BPF provided that the proposed project contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The selection is made through a two-stage call for projects: pre-selection through the application form that can be downloaded from the website, and then, for the applications selected at the end of this first stage, submission of a detailed proposal. Click here to see the whole process. 

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