
Professional integration of refugees: RYSE in collaboration with Sourire a.s.b.l and Caritas

Published on 27 June 2024

Network news 

The association RYSE in collaboration with Sourire asbl and Caritas are pleased to invite you to the meeting about the professional integration of refugees in Luxembourg. This event will be an great opportunity to listen to the recruitment needs of employers who favour caring and human-centred approaches. It will also connect these employers with selected candidates that we support within our services. The objective is to facilitate the integration of beneficiaries into the structures of Luxembourg companies and to meet recruitment needs with a human and inclusive approach.

Pre-registration - still some places. 

  • When ? Monday 1st July - 3pm to 5pm 
  • Where ? Bureaux de Sourrire, 43 Rue de Riveschpont, L-3548 Dudelange

Contact : 

Name : Alexandre Schaus
Email : ryse.recruitme@gmail.com

More info 

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