
Updates from the Capitals Coalition

Published on 3 June 2022

Network news

At the Spring World Economic Forum meeting in Davos this month we announced our intention to establish the global Value Commission. The Value Commission will bring together the key players from across the global system to set international rules for how ‘value factors’ are created and used by organizations around the world. Then, working with partners across the Coalition and beyond, we aim to develop an open access database of these value factors that can be used by businesses, financial institutions, and governments. You can express your interest to partner with us on this work or apply to become a Value Commissioner by requesting an application pack.
While at Davos we also joined forces with leading organizations to release a series of high-level actions that businesses can take to repair their relationships with nature. The role of business is critical to delivering a nature positive world by 2030, but with so many initiatives, guidance and frameworks on offer, it can be challenging for them to understand the steps they must take to begin their journey towards becoming nature positive. So, we partnered with some of the leading organizations developing this guidance, including Business for Nature, Science-based Targets Initiative, the Task for on Nature-related Financial Disclosures, the World Economic Forum and WWF to harmonize the landscape and to help businesses visualize the journey they need to take to become nature positive.

We have now reached over 500 learners on our online training course, ‘Valuing Nature and People to Inform Business Decision-Making’, delivered in partnership with We Value Nature. This is great progress, but there are so many more people who could benefit from this free course, so please encourage your colleagues and share it with your networks. 

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