
‘Responsables - Changing business to save the planet’ Movie Premiere

In this film, Tristan Lochon and Julien Demond of Welcome to the Jungle take you on a journey to meet entrepreneurs, activists and experts who share a common vision: a world in which business can be a force for the common good and not for the enrichment of a few. Whatever their origins, their social background, their sector of activity or the industry in which they work, they are the standard-bearers of this new world.



When? Wednesday 25 September, 6.00 p.m. (doors open at 5.15 p.m.)
Where? Banque de Luxembourg / 14 boulevard Royal / L-2449 Luxembourg
For whom? All individuals whose organisation is an IMS member and/or part of the B Corp community


 (film subtitled in English)

If you have any questions about this event, please contact laura.mullenders@imslux.lu  


In partnership with
B Lab Benelux, Banque de Luxembourg, Welcome to the Jungle, ELIOTNESS


Photos will likely be taken at the event intended to be published by IMS Luxembourg in written or digital media. Please inform the host at the beginning of the event if you do not wish to be in the photos.

- Screening of the documentary film
- Discussion about the film
- Networking cocktail

Protagonists, producers, other players from responsible companies in Luxembourg... More information coming soon! 


Tristan Lochon
After spending two years in India and southern Africa, Tristan Lochon decided to become a journalist in 2010. After completing a double degree at ESJ and Griffith College Dublin, he joined the CAPA TV team as an investigator for the programme "L'effet Papillon". He then joined the editorial teams at iTÉLÉ and LCI before moving to Australia to learn video production. He soon began producing content for GQ Australia, Tracks Magazine and other independent 
independent productions. In 2018, he joined the editorial team at Welcome to the Jungle, a medium for which he has produced numerous reports and documentaries, including "Burn Out", "Chasing Flow" and the series "Unique".

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