
Digital Skills Matchmaking Preparation Workshop – Companies

In 2024, the Digital Skills Matchmaking (DSMM) is scheduled for 26 June! This gathering aims to facilitate exchanges and create mutually beneficial partnerships between businesses and impactful organisations focusing on digital themes.

They share a joint commitment to the digital domain and a desire to make a positive difference in society.

Establishing partnerships with impact-driven entities can bring significant value to your company: implementing your CSR policy, attracting and retaining talent, developing your employees' skills, putting your values into action, and more.

Forming partnerships with impact organisations can be challenging, so we invite you to participate in this preparation workshop to ensure your company's Digital Skills Matchmaking event in June is as fruitful as possible.

When? Thursday, May 16, from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM. Lunch will be provided on-site.
Where? Cercle Cité / 2 Rue Genistre / 1623 Ville-Haute Luxembourg
For who? This event is open to all. 




If you have any questions about this event, please contact anna.dockes@imslux.lu



Photos will likely be taken at the event intended to be published by IMS Luxembourg in written or digital media. Please inform the host at the beginning of the event if you do not wish to be in the photos.
At the end of the event you will receive a certificate of attendance which you can provide to your HR department.

During the workshop, you will be able to:
•    Prepare yourself and your organisation to participate in the speed meeting during the Digital Skills Matchmaking event.
•    Identify how you can support an impact-driven entity (skill-based philanthropy, employment/internship, volunteering, material donation, etc.).
•    Recognise what this type of partnership could bring to your company.
•    Meet other companies interested in engagement and exchange ideas with them.

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