
Luxembourg CEO Sustainability Club with Marcus B. Müller

How Human Nature drives Organisations to SUSTAIN(their)ABILITY and Succeed: THE ABC OF LIFE

Since the launch of the Luxembourg CEO Sustainability Club in 2014, we have been convinced that managers are key drivers of change and that IMS is the catalyst. There is an urgent need to accelerate the movement to address the various crises that are already here and those that will soon come. Together we can work together to shape a different, more inclusive and sustainable future. Participate, learn, share and ACT with us.

Success has three letters: A, B and C. Nowadays it seems there is a manual for everything. What if there was a manual for people translating into company culture and organisational success? The ABC of Life principles come closest to such a manual for people. They are based on over 50 years of groundbreaking scientific research and more than 50,000 years of human evolution and provide a concrete, actionable approach to success. For if we do not understand how the nature of people functions, it will be difficult to succeed in any part of life including business, especially when faced with the complex challenges of sustainability.

Each participant will receive a free signed and personalized copy of the book : “The ABC of Life: Success has 3 Letters”


When? Tuesday July 4th, 2023 from 07:30 am to 09:00 am 
Where? Schroeder & Associés / 13 rue de l’innovation / 1896 Kockelscheuer
For who ? Exclusively for CEOs of IMS member organisations

Event in English.


Photos will likely be taken at the event intended to be published by IMS Luxembourg in written or digital media. Please inform the host at the beginning of the event if you do not wish to be in the photos.

Marcus B. Müller

Marcus B. Müller holds a PhD in social psychology. He is a fulltime university professor of management and an international scholar at the Center for Self-determination theory (CSDT) in Florida. After almost 20 years in the business world, Marcus moved into the scientific field of human motivation where he has combined leading-edge science—including his own scientific research—with his professional experience as a senior executive. He is the author of several books, an internationally recognized strategic thinker, influential speaker, and management consultant inspiring individuals, organisations, and governments on professional as well as personal performance, health, and well-being.

Registration by email to nadia.azarfane@imslux.lu

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