
Facing information: how to find to upgrade the decision-making process balancing uncertainty and intuition

In the all-digital era, we may access at any time a quasi-endless amount of information. Therefore, which sources can we rely on?

Ironically, more information can generate uncertainty which may lead cognitive biases to play tricks on us, pushing us in the wrong direction. Doubt and self-doubt are necessary, but intuition and our own belief also have a part to play to move forward with professional decision.

During that participative training, let’s discover how to find individually and collectively the right balance between doubt and intuition.

When? Friday 18th of March, from 9 to 11 am 
Where? Chambre des Métiers / 2 Circuit de La Foire Internationale / 1347 Luxembourg

Event in French.

We inform event attendees that they are likely to appear on photographs taken during the event. These are intended to be published in written or digital media edited by IMS Luxembourg. 

Gaëtan De Lavilléon

Doctor in neurosciences, Gaëtan has worked for several years on understanding the role of sleep in the consolidation of memory.
His research works have been rewarded multiple times, including by the Academy of Sciences in France. In 2017, he joined forces with other cognitive science researchers to use knowledge about brain function and behaviour as a lever to improve business environments and working methods. Today, he runs Cog’X, a consulting and training agency on cognitive sciences.

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