
Emails/digital uses: Stop the clichés!

The year 2020 has accelerated all the digitalisation processes and numeric exchanges. Everyone adapted and self-trained, as quickly as possible, to maintain as best as possible professional activities and human links. IMS invites you to a participative face-to-face workshop, mixing exchanges of good practices and theoretical contributions, to question the common and shared digital uses.

Using practical cases, participants will choose a few "digital clichés" from their daily work lives and confront them with individual habits and scientific findings. The aim is to identify organisational modes and concertation methods to improve digital well-being at work.

Lunch and learn for 25 participants.

When? 30 june 2021 - from 12:00 to 1:45pm / Registrations are now closed
Where? Elvinger Hoss Prussen, 5 place Winston Churchill
For who? IMS members

Event in french.



We inform event attendees that they are likely to appear on photographs taken during the event. These are intended to be published in written or digital media edited by IMS Luxembourg. 

  • Temps

  • Difficulté

  • Coût