
The purpose of the Association is to:

1. To stimulate and promote research, promotion and artistic, photographic and video knowledge as a tool for individual and social transformation.
2. To offer workshops in self-portrait and autobiographical art in photography and video, as a tool for individual and social transformation, using the methodology of The Self-Portrait Experience and others : 
- in penitentiary centres, mental health centres, centres for migrants, centres for drug addicts, centres for young people and adolescents in difficulty, day centres for the elderly, hospitals and centres for the seriously ill, and other social and health institutions.
- in cultural centres, museums, galleries, universities, academies, public schools, psychotherapy and art therapy schools and other cultural and educational institutions as well as for individuals and companies.
3. To organise and participate in contemporary art exhibitions, in Luxembourg and abroad, and art research projects.
4. To publish articles and books, in paper and digital form, on art.
5. Cooperate with other associations, public or private institutions.

Its main field of action: Integration and social action
