We fight for the rights of everyone - for freedom, for the right to love whoever you want, for the right to express your opinion freely and for the right to be protected from persecution. Amnesty International's vision is of a world where everyone can enjoy all the rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments.
To this end, our researchers investigate and expose human rights violations. We ensure that every human being knows their rights and can claim them. Through targeted campaigns, we exert pressure and influence on groups in power.
We finance our human rights work through donations and membership fees, so we remain independent of any government, party, ideology, economic interest or religion. No government escapes our vigilance. We fight for the rights of everyone - for freedom, for the right to love whoever you want, for the right to express your opinion freely and for the right to be protected from persecution.
Its main field of action: integration and social action.
Website: https://www.amnesty.lu/