
One year ago, LABEL embarked on a journey with a resolute vision: to cultivate diversity and inclusion in Luxembourg. Today, we stand on the precipice of a significant achievement: engaging with the Afro-Luxembourgish community and others. According to STATEC, the Afro-Luxembourgish Community (European, American, African, and Asian) is 12,000+ individuals of African descent. LABEL's growth trajectory is through strategic alliances, community involvement, and focused outreach endeavors. Our current community growth stands at 2,000+ partnerships and collaborations with other diverse ASBLs.

LABEL’s mission is to create a vibrant community whose purpose remains simple—to create an unrivaled environment with a primary focus to always nurture and amplify minority excellence. We believe in the transformative power of collective action to bring about lasting, meaningful change as we continue to unite diverse communities, create a strong sense of togetherness, and provide an uplifting environment.

LABEL started with no budget at its disposal. Luxembourg’s administrative challenges were the main factor. We encountered delays with registering LABEL, which resulted in the delay of starting the lengthy process of opening a bank account. There we had to be strategic with our approach, figuring out how to launch impactful events with zero budget. Having to wait for the admin process to finalize before starting activities was not an option for us, as we were committed to engaging and supporting the community. As we continue to host more events and grow, so do our members; to date, we have 56 dedicated members who volunteer their time and expertise for LABEL to deliver successful events. We also understood the importance of collecting feedback to keep learning and improve the delivery of each activity/event.

Its main field of action: Integration and social action