
The Institut Luxembourgeois de la Qualité de Vie au Travail—ILQVT—is a private, independent, non-profit organisation, approved as a Social Impact Company by the Luxembourg Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy (S.I.S with 100% impact shares).

Their mission is to transfer the necessary skills to the various players in the world of work, enabling them to implement approaches and tools for continuous improvement of working conditions.

They aim to enable companies to

- combine social and organisational performance for the benefit of everyone involved,
- encourage responsibility and commitment on the part of everyone involved in achieving this shared objective,
- to encourage the autonomy of organisations and individuals in this area,
- to give priority to primary prevention,
- acting at source, in addition to secondary prevention (support, protection) and tertiary prevention (support during the return phase after a break).

The challenge is to get companies involved in a long-term dynamic that will generate success.


The main field of action: Health and Disability
