

Njordfood’s motivations to participate in IMS Luxembourg’s activities:

We are committed to a sincere and respectful approach to the people and nature around us, in line with our values and beliefs. Still, all goodwill and actions are essential to meet the challenges we all face and move towards a positive and balanced future.


Njordfood’s CSR policy:

Respect, personal development and involvement of the women and men who work at Njordfood.
Respect for the cycles of nature in our menus and recipes, based on seasonality.
Respect for the women and men who work as partners or suppliers with Njordfood and priority is given to those who share our values.


Njordfood’s CSR actions and frameworks:

Almost 100% elimination of the use of plastics100% in-house production using only raw products, with a maximum of local (Greater Region) and organic or sustainable sourcing (rate of over 80%)