
Festival AlimenTERRE Luxembourg 2024

Published on 18 July 2024

Network news 

Save the Date: AlimenTERRE Festival in Luxembourg (November 6 - December 6, 2024) 

From November 6 to December 6, 2024, discover documentary film screenings, debates and meetings around the crucial issues of food and agriculture in the world.  

The launch evening will take place on November 6, starting at 6:30pm at Les Rotondes. It will be a unique opportunity to watch inspiring documentaries, meet experts and discuss the challenges and solutions for a sustainable food future. 

What is the AlimenTERRE Festival? 

The AlimenTERRE Festival is an international event dedicated to raising public awareness of the global issues surrounding food and agriculture. Through a selection of five hard-hitting documentaries, we'll be tackling issues such as sustainable food, social justice, food security, sustainable agriculture and much more. 

Why participate? 

  • Inspire and be inspired: the selected documentaries will offer you fresh and inspiring perspectives on global food challenges. 
  • Engage and exchange: take part in the debates and discussions following the screenings to deepen your understanding and share your ideas. 
  • Meet key players: meet experts, activists and professionals committed to sustainable food. 

Save the date and join us for this not-to-be-missed event! 

To make sure you don't miss a thing about the festival and the launch party, you can pre-register and receive a preview of the party and festival program: click here

We look forward to seeing you there! 

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