
Call for projects: "ReNature - Restoring biodiversity"

Published on 11 October 2023

Network news

Climate change, pollution and over-exploitation, deforestation and desertification, fragmentation of natural environments... These are just a few examples that demonstrate the urgent need to reverse this dramatic decline in biodiversity, in both rural and urban areas.
This is why the Œuvre has decided to launch the call for projects "reNature - restoring biodiversity", which is aimed at any action that aims to protect and/or improve biodiversity in Luxembourg.
They are making a total of €500,000 available to support initiatives that protect and enhance biodiversity.
This call aims to encourage a wide range of concrete, positive actions and sets the minimum amount at €500 and the maximum at €25,000 per project.
Do you have an idea? Then submit your project no later than 10 January 2024!


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