CSRD capacity building programme
In addition to a program focusing on the fundamentals of corporate sustainability, this year, as in 2024, IMS is offering a program dedicated to CSRD. This new directive aims to harmonise and strengthen sustainability reporting obligations and will apply gradually from January 2024. Companies will have to publish detailed information on their risks, opportunities and material impacts in relation to environmental, social and governance topics.
The objective of this programme in 8 sessions, between March and November, is to decipher the obligations linked to the new reporting standards, to discuss and share practices in small groups and to understand how to concretely prepare your organisation for the implementation of this reporting . This will also allow, in a broader sense, to work concretely in a transversal manner on your strategy in terms of social responsibility. The sessions will be interactive and practical, aiming to give participants tools for understanding and action to implement within their organisation.
The session will focus on the main requirements and specificities of CSRD reporting for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). During the first part we will provide an overview of general requirements of CSRD for SMEs. Then we'll deep dive into how to perform double materiality assessment efficiently in the context of a SME. Using examples from different industries, we illustrate typical digital tools, processes and approaches used by SME to cope efficiently with CSRD reporting requirements.
When? Tuesday 3rd July, 9h - 11h30
Where? PwC Luxembourg / 2 Rue Gerhard Mercator / 2182 Gasperich Luxembourg
With whom? PwC Luxembourg
For whom? Anyone working in an IMS member organisation. People working in functions related to CSR/Sustainability strategy, as well as the Finance/Reporting function are particularly concerned by these sessions and encouraged to participate together, where possible.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact nancy.thomas@imslux.lu