
EU Platform of Diversity Charters webinar

In rapidly changing global environment, companies are faced with various challenges, such as adapting to future of work, accelerating digital transformation, finding and retaining talent and slowing economies. Embracing diversity and inclusion can help companies find solutions to these challenges by bringing additional skills, ideas and perspectives. This will have direct economic benefits to the organisation, its innovation and growth. But it’s not only win for the companies, by nurturing diversity and inclusion, the employees feel higher sense of belonging and engagement, which positively impacts their creativity and innovation.

Not yet convinced on the role diversity and inclusion in your organisation? Come and join us when we learn from the latest research by McKinsey & Company how greater inclusion of ethnocultural minorities could fill talent gaps and spur company growth, and discuss with companies, where diversity and inclusion are part of organisational values.


  • Data collection and self-identification surveys
  • Inclusive recruitment
  • Overall inclusion initiatives

  • Temps

  • Difficulté

  • Coût