
Pact for Nature: A Strategy for my Sites and my Business Activity

Launch Project

Since the COP15 agreements, companies and governments have committed to preserving and restoring biodiversity. How is this being done? By developing strategies tailored to their respective levels. 

While the Luxembourg authorities have published the National Plan for the Protection of Nature (PNPN3) under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), businesses are having to comply with new regulations, the main one being the CSRD, which includes a very comprehensive environmental section. 

These dynamics are intrinsically linked. The CBD requires states to meet 23 targets, one of which, target 15, directly concerns companies. They are asked to analyse and report the impacts and dependencies of businesses on biodiversity in their value chain, and to reduce negative impacts by at least 50% and increase positive impacts. 

As we know, site management and the business sector are two different things. However, biodiversity is present everywhere and is subject to pressure on several levels:
-    Changes in land use
-    Resource exploitation
-    Climate change
-    Pollution
-    Invasive species

Thanks to the support of the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity, IMS will help you, over the course of a year, to put in place a biodiversity strategy and measure the appropriate indicators. 

When?  Thursday, June 27 

From 1.00 p.m for a biodiversity discovery walk
From 2.00 to 4.00 p.m for the workshop. Please arrive at 1.50 p.m for the workshop

Where? Schroeder & Associés / 13 Rue de l'Innovation / Roeser
For whom? All employees whose organisation is a member of IMS

If you have any questions about this event, please contact sarah.struvay@imslux.lu



Photos will likely be taken at the event intended to be published by IMS Luxembourg in written or digital media. Please inform the host at the beginning of the event if you do not wish to be in the photos.
At the end of the event you will receive a certificate of attendance which you can provide to your HR department.


-    “Pact for Nature” planning 
-    The importance of an indicator when implementing solutions on your site (green spaces or not)
-    The importance of a strategy tailored to your business sector


-    Sophie Leguil, Ecologist and Biodiversity Consultant
-    Business for Nature (IMS is a freshly official partner)


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