
B Impact Assessment: The Journey towards B Corp Certification (FRENCH SESSION)

Join us for our B Impact Assessment Webinar in French. The B Lab Benelux Certification Team will be there to introduce you to the B Corp movement, the B Corp Certification, and answer all your questions about our free online impact assessment tool. 

What is the B Impact Assessment (BIA)? 
The B Impact Assessment is a free, confidential online tool that has been used by over 80,000 companies to measure and manage their impact. The Assessment measures performance across five Impact Areas: Governance, Workers, Community, Customers and Environment, and is the standard used by Certified B Corporations and GIIRS Rated companies. 
The B Impact Assessment (BIA) walks businesses through a series of questions to help them learn what it takes to build a better business - better for workers, the community, and the environment. The BIA also provides feedback to businesses on how they compare to other businesses, and tools and best practices to improve their impact over time. 

In this session, we will explore the purpose of your company and identify how it relates to performance. The B Impact Assessment is a tool designed to capture those performance indicators in a comprehensive framework. The goal is to help you evaluate your business practices, and identify how to improve your impact performance. 

Have you started BIA but stumbled across difficulties in answering some questions? Would you like to learn how to improve your impact? Or simply get more familiar with the assessment tool? If so, this webinar is for you! 

When? Tuesday 21 May 2024 from 3.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m.
Where? Via visioconference (connection links will be send in due time)
For whom? Open to all

Event in French with Q&A time available in English if needed.
No replay will be available at the end of this webinar.


Photos will likely be taken at the event intended to be published by IMS Luxembourg in written or digital media. Please inform the host at the beginning of the event if you do not wish to be in the photos. 

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