
Doughnut Economy Workshop

You may have already heard of the Doughnut Economy, this economic theory developed by Kate Raworth, which answers the question of how to combine social justice issues with environmental issues, to guide the economy in favor of sustainable and fair development
The objective of the Doughnut workshop is on the one hand to make participants aware of the urgent need to make a transition by proposing the Doughnut model as a new compass of progress and as a solution to move towards a desirable future.
On the other hand, the workshop will allow you to get moving and start thinking about your own organization in order to take a step back and understand what are the blocking factors, what are the strengths and above all what transformative ideas could be considered to tend towards the interior of the Doughnut; this just and safe space for humanity.
It will be animated by Barbara Goffin et Paul Vanderstraeten from Confluences a.s.b.l., in charge of the Brussels Donut project, whose mission is to support the necessary economic, ecological and social transition of the Brussels Region at the level of the public, associative and private sectors.

When? Thursday, the 30th of November from 9h to 12h30. 
Where? POST / 38 place de la Gare / L-1616 Luxembourg
For whom? Any person employed in one of IMS member companies

Event in French
In partnership with Confluences


Photos will likely be taken at the event intended to be published by IMS Luxembourg in written or digital media. Please inform the host at the beginning of the event if you do not wish to be in the photos.

Please note your time zone, the event will start at 9.00 am.

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