
Sustainable Finance at a glance


IMS is thrilled to welcome the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative (LSFI) for a couple of webinars dedicated to Sustainable Finance. Founded in January 2020, the LSFI is a not-for-profit association that designs and implements the Sustainable Finance Strategy for the Luxembourg financial centre. Its objective is to raise awareness, promote and help develop sustainable finance initiatives in Luxembourg. 

The urge for a better understanding of how finance and CSR are deeply linked, and how every company impacts it, leads us to offer those events. Sustainable finance and strategy are inevitable if we want to move forward and achieve our commons goals to protect the planet and the people on it.

Webinar #1
Sustainable Finance at a glance

Sustainable finance is a fast-evolving matter that is increasingly gaining relevance among the financial industry actors and the civil society. However, what does it actually mean? The Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative will provide an overview of Sustainable Finance, covering what it is, some of its key milestones and objectives and the main initiatives in Luxembourg. A Q&A session will follow the presentation to allow the audience to enlarge their knowledge and better understand how to contribute and take action. 

When? Wednesday 19th May 2021, from 14:00 to 15:00 Registrations are now closed
By whom? Nicoletta Centofanti
Where? web conference (login details will be sent to registrants in due course)
For whom? IMS Members


Event in english.
No replay will be available at the end of this webinar. 

We inform event attendees that they are likely to appear on photographs taken during the event. These are intended to be published in written or digital media edited by IMS Luxembourg.



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