


Work is the primarily reason for daily travelling and companies need to be accessible: they are therefore at the heart of the mobility challenge and for IMS it represents major lever for the transition towards more responsible mobility.

As part of the European Mobility Week and the “Mobilize your company” campaign, IMS will organise on a conference-breakfast on the subject of sustainable mobility in collaboration with the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works.

The conference will follow a "Bike to Work" cycling convoy from the Central Station to Kirchberg. (registration here)

When? 16 september 2019, from 9am to 11am
Where? Ministère de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics, 4 Place de l’Europe, Kirchberg.

Registration is required.
For any question please contact info@imslux.lu


We inform the participants of our events that they are likely to appear on photographs taken during the event. These are intended to be published in written or digital media published by IMS Luxembourg.

8.45 | Welcome snack

9.15 | Opening session - Nancy Thomas (IMS Luxembourg)

9.20 | Sustainable mobility guide for companies - Frédéric Brochier (IMS Luxembourg)

9.30 | Encouraging cycling: incentives for behaviour change and opportunities offered by new bicycle services - Nicolas Louvet and Marion Lagadic (Bureau 6-t, Paris)

10.00 | Q/A

10.15 | Conclusion

  • Temps

  • Difficulté

  • Coût