
After two successful years of fostering talents and innovation within the technology sector under the umbrella of the world-known brand Girls in Tech, this evolution marks a new chapter in our journey to support and inspire women and underrepresented groups in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. We hold immense gratitude for having been part of one of the oldest and most respected global initiatives to empower women in tech.

This decision follows the global closure of the Girls in Tech brand due to financial difficulties faced by the headquarters. While this was not a light decision, it was the right course of action to ensure the continued pursuit of our mission to close the gender gap in STEM fields.

WeSTEM+ builds on the foundation laid by Girls in Tech Luxembourg, extending our focus to encompass a broader range of STEM disciplines. Our goal is to create a more inclusive community where women and other underrepresented groups can excel in any STEM field, whether they are just starting their careers or are seasoned professionals. And to keep the legacy of Girls in Tech, we will be part of a global network of talented STEM professionals invested in helping underrepresented minorities to join the STEM sector.

Our Vision & Mission

Be the most inclusive ecosystem to support, educate, and promote young girls, women, and underrepresented groups in the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). We offer a series of technical programs, soft skills workshops, mentoring, and networking events to empower, support, educate, promote, and inspire girls, women, and underrepresented groups in Luxembourg and the Greater Region.

Its main field of action: Education & Youth
