
Responsible Gifts for the Holiday Season: Turn to IMS Luxembourg's Associated Members

Published on 27 November 2023

Network news

As the year-end festivities approach, IMS Luxembourg encourages businesses to choose gifts with a positive impact for their teams, clients, and partners.

Consider turning to IMS Luxembourg's associated members to do so. These members include associations, NGOs, SIS (Sociétés d'Impact Sociétal), or foundations in Luxembourg working in sustainable development.

For instance, explore options from sheltered workshops—workplaces tailored to the specific needs and individual abilities of employees with disabled status. 
Examples include:

  • APEMH offering customisable gift baskets, greeting cards, and catering services.
  • Les Ateliers Kräizbierg, with workshops for pottery and embroidery workshops
  • ATP asbl, offering, for example, candle and basket weaving.
  • The Tricentenaire group provides delicious and timeless chocolates.

You can also explore SIS (Société d’Impact Sociétal), such as: 

  • Friendship Colours of the Chars offering handmade office supplies, accessories, and decor items from weaving workshops in Northern Bangladesh.
  • Or Neighbour Magazine for a unique gift idea—an engaged magazine made in Luxembourg covering sustainable topics.

You can also look to associations or NGOs like: 

  • Défi Job, with the Jailbird workshop, produces decorations and office items designed by inmates and designers.
  • Finally, you can, of course, turn to products from the Luxembourgish partners of the Fairtrade NGO, offering high-quality artisanal products made in Luxembourg with Fairtrade-certified ingredients (chocolates, coffees and teas, textiles, jewelry, etc.)

Having been committed to promoting responsible purchasing for a long time, IMS provides resources such as the guides "Sustainable Purchases in Business: Implementation" and "Sustainable Purchases in Communication," available in the Resources section.
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IMS's Sustainability Academy also offers dedicated training on responsible purchasing. Additionally, for ongoing engagement, the Sustainable Procurement Club regularly convenes to collaborate on this crucial matter.

For more information or to connect with these options, please contact the Project Manager.

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