

Responsible consumption & production

To ensure that economic growth doesn't impede on environmental and social health, we ought to adapt our modes of production and consumption.


The protection of the environment and of social ties need to be first-level criteria in the production, use and end-of-life of an object. The benefits of this approach are manifold: development of the local economic ecosystem, job creation, territorial anchorage and dynamization of regions...

Consumers are increasingly well informed and exigent as to the origin and production conditions of products. Many studies demonstrate that consumers are interested in organic, and even more so, local products.

It is also key to reduce the volume of food waste per capita, and this at both the distribution and consumption levels to create more effective production and supply chains. This can contribute to food security and enable us to head toward an economy built on a more rational use of resources. The very principle of the circular economy, then, which advocates for cyclical, rather than linear uses of materials, and thus eliminates the very notion of waste.    

You can find, in IMS' projects, inspiring ideas to promote your company's sustainable development.

Concrete projects

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