


IMS is a partner of the Climate Pact. We support municipalities and businesses in the national territory on chapter 6 of the catalog of measures: cooperation and communication. A neutral interlocutor, IMS provides the link between municipalities and territorial stakeholders in order to create alliances around innovative, virtuous and sustainable projects.

A collaborative approach

The exchange of best practices and collaborative work as an accelerator of change are at the heart of IMS’ work. State, public or private territorial actors form an ecosystem whose different elements cannot be considered separately. IMS' approach consists of implementing collaborative synergies in order to create links between actors, themes and geographical areas that may concern: 

  • The creation of new activities in order to develop a spirit of cohesion between companies located in the same territory (co-creative workshops, organization of conferences, etc.) 
  • The pooling of services for businesses (collective waste management, promotion of responsible mobility, anti-waste campaign, etc.) 
  • The valorisation/exchange of industrial flows (supports circular economy approaches) and Repair Cafés

We bring together companies from a defined geographical area and offer them the opportunity to work together with the municipalities on subjects they choose. Through our actions, we focus on all aspects of the Climate Pact and sustainable development. Certain themes are recurring in our working groups and workshops, such as mobility, because this is transversal and often closely connected to other issues linked to well-being and CO2 emissions. Other subjects such as renewable energies, greening urban areas or waste reduction and responsible consumption are also discussed and initiatives are deployed according to the priorities defined by the working groups. 

Furthermore, we seek to maximise synergies with the other partners of the Climate Pact, namely CELL, EBL and Klimabündnis Lëtzebuerg. These three organizations implement projects that may find interest among our member companies. Regular meetings allow for discussion and identification of possible collaborations such as the Grenge web developed by the EBL and offered to members of IMS Luxembourg.


We start by working on a collaborative diagnosis (inventory) to then put in place solutions that engage the actors in a partnership dynamic and promote learning. We encourage the implementation of pilot projects to ideally scale them up and ultimately create systemic change.


Collecte, tri et valorisation des déchets en entreprise, le 20 juin 2023


CONTACT the project manager



  • Temps

  • Difficulté

  • Coût