
POST's motivations to participate in IMS Luxembourg’s activities:

IMS is a network of partners, genuinely constituting a platform of thought and sharing of experiences, which P&T wishes to participate in.

The support that IMS offers in the setting up of CSR projects will allow an evolution of internal CSR procedures.


POST's CSR policy:

We aim for responsible growth for the Group, which is not only financial, but also social and environmental. As a Group, we evaluate our impact on the environment, society and the economic development of the country and our stakeholders. Established in 2012, our CSR approach is declined in our operational procedures, the way we serve our customers and how we interact with our suppliers and involve our staff.


POST's CSR actions and frameworks:

Our CSR activities are illustrated by the acronym RESPECT. Why RESPECT? Because the future of the POST Luxembourg Group relies on long-term profitability, the personal development of our employees, the security of information, data and equipment, the quality and social and ecological credentials of our products, a legal compliance and a responsible purchasing policy, our knowledge sharing and the reduction of our CO2 emissions.

RESPECT covers seven key priorities (Profitability (Rentabilité) – Employability – Security – Products – Ethics – Knowledge (Connaissances) – Earth (Terre)), and is an inclusive, group-wide approach focusing not only on environmental sustainability. It demonstrates the importance that POST attaches to creating value through its corporate responsibility.


For more information, click here